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Whitehart icon

Season: Summer
Inspired by: Washington State (USA)
Addition to game: At game launch

Hunt the elusive Whitetail Deer and the impressive Roosevelt Elk. Take on Turkey too, even in flight! Based on the environment of Washington State. Full daytime cycle casts dynamic shadows, shafts of sunlight piercing through the woodland canopy. Experience dramatic weather including wind, rain, and fog. Discover fascinating map areas, like the ancient archaeological ruins. Use the Environment to your advantage; crouch or go prone in tall grass, use trees and natural rock formations to hide yourself from your prey.


HunterMate View Of Whitehart Island

Huntable Species


  • The Causeway: Tucked into a bay at the north end of Whitehart Island, The Causeway used to be the entry lodge for all hunters coming into the Evergreen Hunting Reserve. Although Logger's Point has now take over as the main landing site this is still one of the best areas to experience the thrill of stalking Roosevelt Elk.
  • South Cliff Lodge: Nestled on the rocks at the southern tip of Whitehart Island, South Cliff Lodge caters for every level of hunter, from rookie to pro. Recent geological events have created conditions very beneficial to Whitetail Deer leading to a surge in the population.

Awi'Usdi Stones

Awi'Usdi Stones

Awi'Usdi Stones is a structure like Stonehenge. It's objective for several Missions and in a high populated region of Whitehart Island. The name Awi'Usdi is based on an Cherokee story about ethical hunting.

Tower Locations

WH tower locations

Open Fields

Consider these open fields for Tree Stand hunting. WH treestands


Sightseeing Missions

Mission Objectives Gm$ Hints
Sightseer 100 Mission sightseer
North to South

All objectives must be completed during one expedition.

150 Mission nts taba
The Campsite
  • Visit the Campsite.
250 Mission thecampsite
There and Back Again

All objectives must be completed during one expedition.

500 Mission nts taba

Travel Missions

Mission Objectives Gm$ Hints
Tracking The Southern Movement
  • Start at South Cliff Lodge in Whitehart Island.
  • Then arrive at Tower 18 (x -13913, y 8529) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 16 (x -14256, y 8799) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 13 (x -14189, y 8111) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 15 (x -14615, y 7637) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID more tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, spot a Roosevelt Elk.
100 Wh mission 1
Tracking The Northern Movement
  • Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island.
  • Then arrive at Tower 1 (x -13888, y 3352) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 11 (x -14437, y 3334) in the same hunt
  • Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID one more audio clue from another Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID droppings from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, spot a Roosevelt Elk.
200 Wh mission 2
Removing The Competition
  • Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island
  • Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 12 (x -13836, y 5038) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -13513, y 4753) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 3 (x -13471, y 4441) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 2 (x -13389, y 4024) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Blacktail Deer.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Coyote.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Turkey.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest another Blacktail Deer.
300 Wh mission 3
Removing The Rest Of The Competition
  • Start at South Cliff Lodge in Whitehart Island
  • Then arrive at Tower 13 (x -14189, y 8111) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 15 (x -14615, y 7637) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 9 (x -14015, y 6837) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 19 (x -13594, y 7302) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Coyote.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Whitetail Deer.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a second Whitetail Deer.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a third Whitetail Deer.
500 Wh mission 4
Investigate The Center
  • Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island
  • Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -14478, y 5114) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 17 (x -13928, y 6285) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 12 (x -13836, y 5038) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID dropping from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID more tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a third set of tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
700 Wh mission 5
Caring For The Weak
  • Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island.
  • Then arrive at Tower 2 (x -13389, y 4024).
  • Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -14478, y 5114).
  • Then arrive at Tower 17 (x -13928, y 6285).
  • Then arrive at Tower 12 (x -13836, y 5038).
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, ID a clue from a Coyote.
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a male Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 380kg killed with a single shot from any Anschütz rifle.
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a female Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 270kg killed with a single shot from any Anschütz rifle.
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest another female Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 270kg killed with a single shot from any Anschütz rifle.
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, ID a clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
1000 Wh mission 6

Note that these objectives do not need to be done in one hunt.

Making A Safe Return
  • Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island.
  • Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at the Awi'Usdi Stones in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -14478, y 5114) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at the Campsite in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Coyote.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID dropping from a Coyote.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Coyote.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Coyote killed by a 12 GA Single Shot Shotgun.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a second Coyote killed by a 12 GA Single Shot Shotgun.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a third Coyote killed by a 12 GA Single Shot Shotgun.
1300 Wh mission 7
Check For A Northern Return
  • Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island.
  • Then arrive at Tower 5 (x -13651, y 3412) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 1 (x -13888, y 3352) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 11 (x -14437, y 3334) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at the Awi'Usdi Stones in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID more tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a male Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 380 killed with a single shot from any Anschütz rifle.
1600 Wh mission 8
Check For A Southern Return
  • Start at South Cliff Lodge in Whitehart Island.
  • Then arrive at Tower 18 (x -13913, y 8529) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 16 (x -14256, y 8799) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 13 (x -14189, y 8111) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 15 (x -14615, y 7637) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 14 (x -15299, y 7723) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID droppings from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a female Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 270 killed with a single shot from the 7mm Magnum Bullpup Rifle.
2000 Wh mission 9
Patrol The Island
  • Start at South Cliff Lodge in Whitehart Island.
  • Then arrive at Tower 18 (x -13913, y 8529).
  • Then arrive at Tower 13 (x -14189, y 8111).
  • Then arrive at Tower 14 (x -15299, y 7723).
  • Then arrive at Tower 19 (x -13594, y 7302).
  • Then arrive at Tower 12 (x -13836, y 5038).
  • Then arrive at Tower 3 (x -13471, y 4441).
  • Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -13513, y 4753).
  • Then arrive at Tower 2 (x -13389, y 4024).
  • Then arrive at Tower 5 (x -13651, y 3412).
  • Then arrive at Tower 1 (x -13888, y 3352).
  • Then arrive at Tower 11 (x -14437, y 3334).
  • Then arrive at Tower 10 (x -14735, y 3429).
  • Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -14478, y 5114).
  • Then arrive at the Awi'Usdi Stones.
  • Then arrive at Tower 17 (x -13928, y 6285).
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a female Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 270 killed with a single arrow from the Compound Bow Parker Python.
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a Whitetail Deer.
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a Blacktail Deer.
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a Turkey.
  • At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a Coyote.
3000 Wh mission 10

Note that these objectives do not need to be done in one hunt.


Exclusive Photos

Community Videos

 	Southcliff_Whitetail_Hunting_(Whitehart_Island) 	 			     	Causeway_Blacktail_Hunting_(Whitehart_Island) 	 			     	The_Hunter_Whitehart_Island_guide_2014 	 			  

Animal Map

This is a community made map and is based on players' experience in the game. It is a simple attempt to display where animals spawn in this reserve, and NOT where you might find them during a hunting session. The map shows where you can expect to find the animals in maybe 80% of your hunts right after you start the game. The animals can also appear in other places, but they will with less frequency.

The animals are shown on the map in clusters. This approach does not do the game perfect justice, but the map becomes easy to understand. Imagine a circle around each cluster and you will get an idea about their predominant spawning locations.

