Tracking The Southern Movement
- Start at South Cliff Lodge in Whitehart Island.
- Then arrive at Tower 18 (x -13913, y 8529) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 16 (x -14256, y 8799) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 13 (x -14189, y 8111) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 15 (x -14615, y 7637) in the same hunt.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID more tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, spot a Roosevelt Elk.
Tracking The Northern Movement
- Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island.
- Then arrive at Tower 1 (x -13888, y 3352) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 11 (x -14437, y 3334) in the same hunt
- Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID one more audio clue from another Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID droppings from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, spot a Roosevelt Elk.
Removing The Competition
- Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island
- Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 12 (x -13836, y 5038) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -13513, y 4753) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 3 (x -13471, y 4441) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 2 (x -13389, y 4024) in the same hunt.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Blacktail Deer.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Coyote.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Turkey.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest another Blacktail Deer.
Removing The Rest Of The Competition
- Start at South Cliff Lodge in Whitehart Island
- Then arrive at Tower 13 (x -14189, y 8111) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 15 (x -14615, y 7637) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 9 (x -14015, y 6837) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 19 (x -13594, y 7302) in the same hunt.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Coyote.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Whitetail Deer.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a second Whitetail Deer.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a third Whitetail Deer.
Investigate The Center
- Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island
- Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -14478, y 5114) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 17 (x -13928, y 6285) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 12 (x -13836, y 5038) in the same hunt.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID dropping from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID more tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID a third set of tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
Caring For The Weak
- Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island.
- Then arrive at Tower 2 (x -13389, y 4024).
- Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -14478, y 5114).
- Then arrive at Tower 17 (x -13928, y 6285).
- Then arrive at Tower 12 (x -13836, y 5038).
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, ID a clue from a Coyote.
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a male Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 380kg killed with a single shot from any Anschütz rifle.
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a female Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 270kg killed with a single shot from any Anschütz rifle.
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest another female Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 270kg killed with a single shot from any Anschütz rifle.
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, ID a clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
Note that these objectives do not need to be done in one hunt.
Making A Safe Return
- Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island.
- Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at the Awi'Usdi Stones in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -14478, y 5114) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at the Campsite in the same hunt.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Coyote.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID dropping from a Coyote.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Coyote.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Coyote killed by a 12 GA Single Shot Shotgun.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a second Coyote killed by a 12 GA Single Shot Shotgun.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a third Coyote killed by a 12 GA Single Shot Shotgun.
Check For A Northern Return
- Start at the Causeway Lodge in Whitehart Island.
- Then arrive at Tower 5 (x -13651, y 3412) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 1 (x -13888, y 3352) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 11 (x -14437, y 3334) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -13918, y 3903) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at the Awi'Usdi Stones in the same hunt.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID more tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a male Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 380 killed with a single shot from any Anschütz rifle.
Check For A Southern Return
- Start at South Cliff Lodge in Whitehart Island.
- Then arrive at Tower 18 (x -13913, y 8529) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 16 (x -14256, y 8799) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 13 (x -14189, y 8111) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 15 (x -14615, y 7637) in the same hunt.
- Then arrive at Tower 14 (x -15299, y 7723) in the same hunt.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID droppings from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Roosevelt Elk.
- At any point during the same hunt, harvest a female Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 270 killed with a single shot from the 7mm Magnum Bullpup Rifle.
Patrol The Island
- Start at South Cliff Lodge in Whitehart Island.
- Then arrive at Tower 18 (x -13913, y 8529).
- Then arrive at Tower 13 (x -14189, y 8111).
- Then arrive at Tower 14 (x -15299, y 7723).
- Then arrive at Tower 19 (x -13594, y 7302).
- Then arrive at Tower 12 (x -13836, y 5038).
- Then arrive at Tower 3 (x -13471, y 4441).
- Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -13513, y 4753).
- Then arrive at Tower 2 (x -13389, y 4024).
- Then arrive at Tower 5 (x -13651, y 3412).
- Then arrive at Tower 1 (x -13888, y 3352).
- Then arrive at Tower 11 (x -14437, y 3334).
- Then arrive at Tower 10 (x -14735, y 3429).
- Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -14478, y 5114).
- Then arrive at the Awi'Usdi Stones.
- Then arrive at Tower 17 (x -13928, y 6285).
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a female Roosevelt Elk with a weight below 270 killed with a single arrow from the Compound Bow Parker Python.
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a Whitetail Deer.
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a Blacktail Deer.
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a Turkey.
- At any point while in Whitehart Island, harvest a Coyote.
Note that these objectives do not need to be done in one hunt.