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Val-des-bois icon

Season: Summer
Inspired by: French Alps
Addition to game: September 2014
Pronunciation: val / de / buah

Meet the typical huntable animals in this area and climb the mountains to find the majestic Alpine Ibex. You will hear the calls from the Golden Eagle or Alpine Chough, and enjoy the authentic flora including the elusive Edelweiss. Watch your step while climbing and even walking along steep drops, as you might fall off cliffs and require a First Aid Kit to recover. The name of this reserve was coined by player Haldur during a community contest pre-launch of this reserve. This reserve comes with breathtaking views and unconquerable peaks for you to master.

Permanent Huntable Species

Special Event Species


Chalet du Mont-Bleu


This remote hunting lodge was once an inn for travelers working their way up river. But after the great landslide of 1899 the valley became very difficult to travel through and few travelers came this way. The inn was abandoned and stood empty for almost fifty years until it was renovated and turned into a hunting lodge. Many Alpine Ibex hunting expeditions use this lodge as a starting point.

Common Prey: Alpine Ibex, Brown Bear, Roe Deer, European Rabbit

Maison du Néant


During the war this house served as headquarters for military intelligence operations. Its location and function was kept under the utmost secrecy long after the war was over even. A few years back the house was stripped clean and sold off by the military to local hunting enthusiasts who use it as a hunting lodge. It is open for everyone who enjoys hunting but the Red Deer hunting around this lodge is particularly good.

Common Prey: Alpine Ibex, Red Deer, Red Fox


Some new plants were specifically created for this alpine reserve, some others were reused.

  • Beech tree
  • Birch tree
  • Spruce tree
  • Latschen bushes / trees
  • Alpine currant shrubs
  • Daphne shrubs
  • Fern
  • Globe flower
  • Hogweed flower
  • Scilla Bifolia flower
  • Edelweiss

Vdb plants

Some of the flowers created (left in game / right original)

Points of Interest

L'ancien Château

You can climb to the top for a nice view. Just enter the tower in the lower door and press "E" in front of the ladder.

La Chapelle du Saint Perdu

Travel Missions

Mission Objectives Gm$ Hints
The Evil Grin
  • Start at Chalet du Mont-Bleu Lodge in Val-des-Bois.
  • Then arrive at the left eye of The Evil Grin (x 3798, y -1413) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Brown Bear.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Red Fox.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a set of tracks from a Red Deer.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Roe Deer.
100 Vdb mission 1
The Calm Pond
  • Start at Maison du Néant Lodge in Val-des-Bois.
  • Then arrive at The Calm Pond (x 2559, y -848) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at L'ancien Château in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Red Deer.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Red Fox.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a set of tracks from a Roe Deer.
200 Vdb mission 2

At L'ancien Château it seems difficult to get registered at times. Even if you climb the tower the mission still won't recognize your presence. It is advisable to go to this point:

Chateau mission registration

Deliver Some Bones
  • Start at Chalet du Mont-Bleu Lodge in Val-des-Bois.
  • Then arrive at the left eye of The Evil Grin (x 3798, y -1413) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Red Deer.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Red Deer.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Red Fox.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Roe Deer.
300 Vdb mission 3
Pelts All Around
  • Start at Maison du Néant Lodge in Val-des-Bois.
  • Then arrive at The Calm Pond (x 2559, y -848) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at L'ancien Château in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at the left eye of The Evil Grin (x 3798, y -1413) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a set of tracks from a Red Fox.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Red Fox.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest another Red Fox.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Brown Bear.
500 Vdb mission 4
Horn Mug 700 Vdb mission 5

If you want to avoid installing Climbing Gear you may consider this route.

Stuffed Animals

(*) Any bow includes Crossbows.

1000 Vdb mission 6
More Stuffed Animals 1300 Vdb mission 7

(*) Any bow includes Crossbows.

Freak Of Nature 1600 Vdb mission 8
Pleased At Last
  • Start at Chalet du Mont-Bleu Lodge in Val-des-Bois.
  • Then arrive at the left eye of The Evil Grin (x 3798, y -1413) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at L'ancien Château in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at The Calm Pond (x 2559, y -848) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from an Alpine Ibex.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a set of tracks from a Brown Bear.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Red Fox.
  • At any point during the same hunt, spot a Red Fox.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID droppings from a Roe Deer.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID a clue from a Red Deer.
2000 Vdb mission 9
Mutant 3000 Vdb mission 10

Note that these objectives do not need to be done in one hunt.


There are a total of 19 Climbing locations in the reserve.

Climbing locations



 	The_Hunter_2015_Val-des-Bois_Beta_Exclusive_Pre-Release_Livestream 	 			     	TheHunter_Way_to_Val-des-Bois_CHAPEL_w_o_climbing_gear 	 			  

Animal Map

This is a community made map and is based on players' experience in the game. It is a simple attempt to display where animals spawn in this reserve, and NOT where you might find them during a hunting session. The map shows where you can expect to find the animals in maybe 80% of your hunts right after you start the game. The animals can also appear in other places, but they will with less frequency.

The animals are shown on the map in clusters. This approach does not do the game perfect justice, but the map becomes easy to understand. Imagine a circle around each cluster and you will get an idea about their predominant spawning locations.

