The Hunter Wikia

The tracking skills are part of the game's Skill System.


Tracking is the players ability to gather information from the tracks left by animals in the game. This includes things like, the approximate direction traveled and approximate location of a calling animal. As the player gain more experience more specific information can be gathered such as gender, weight and the age of the track.

Earning XP

Tracking increases as you ID tracks with the HunterMate. All tracks count but the first three from an animal give more XP than the following tracks.

  • Track 1: 2 points
  • Track 2: 3 points
  • Track 3: 4 points
  • Every following track: 1 point

As you reach a new level of tracking you will receive an in-game message letting you know that your tracking level has been increased. There are 20 tracking levels for each species.

This logic has always been in the game but was confirmed by community member and lead moderator Tod1d in this forum post.


This section describes what happens when individual tracking skills are improved. The system is identical for all species.

Incremental Improvements

Stats that are incrementally improved with each level.

Stat Effect
Track Detection Radius The range at which the track domes can be detected by the player increases.
Directional Clue Accuracy The accuracy of the directional Huntermate (V) icon increases.
Possible Travel Range Clue Accuracy The accuracy of the maximum range Huntermate (circle) icon increases.
Audio Clue Accuracy The accuracy of the audio clue Huntermate location (ripple) icon increases.


In addition to incremental stat improvements there are also a couple of major abilities that are unlocked at specific levels.

Level Ability Effect
1 Species & State The ability to tell the species and state such as fleeing, roaming, eating or bedding from any track.
2 Blood Type The ability to tell from which organ an animal lost the highest amount of blood from at the time a blood track was created.
4 Gender 1 The ability to tell the gender of an animal from audio clues.
6 Age 1 The ability to tell the age of dropping, bedding and feeding tracks with 60% accuracy in game time. (*)
8 Weight 1 The ability to tell the weight of an animal from roaming and fleeing footprints with 60% accuracy.
10 Gender 2 The ability to tell the gender of an animal using audio clues, fleeing footprints and roaming footprints.
12 Age 2 The ability to tell the age of dropping, bedding, feeding, roaming footprint and fleeing footprint tracks with 80% accuracy in game time. (*)
14 Weight 2 The ability to tell the weight of an animal from roaming footprints, fleeing footprints, droppings, bedding and feeding tracks with 70% accuracy.
16 Health The ability to estimate the health of an animal from blood tracks with 85% accuracy.
18 Age 3 The ability to tell the age of dropping, bedding, feeding, roaming footprint, fleeing footprint and blood tracks with 90% accuracy in game time. (*)
20 Weight 3 The ability to tell the weight of an animal from roaming footprints, fleeing footprints, droppings, bedding and feeding tracks with 80% accuracy.

(*) All times on the Huntermate are in-game time, not real life time.
