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Settler Creeks EW icon

Season: Summer
Inspired by: "Feels a little bit like a combination of Logger's Point and Whitehart Island". Quote from former CEO Stefan Pettersson
Addition to game: December 2010

This area consists of farmland in the valleys and more rugged, forested areas in the mountains. Many abandoned barns are found in the farmland areas.

Settler Creeks EW Map

Old Map of Settler Creeks

Huntable Species


  • Highland Lodge: Start your hunt from the Highland Lodge and enjoy some of the best views in the Evergreen Hunting Reserve. Elk and Turkey can be found uphill while Feral Hog and Whitetail roam the fields below.

Highland Lodge

  • Homestead Lodge: The Homestead Lodge is a converted old farm surrounded by abandoned fields and small patches of birch. Old buildings and improvised towers provide excellent ambush opportunities for agile hunters.

Homestead Lodge

Tower Locations

SC towers

Travel Missions

Mission Objectives Gm$ Hints
From The Left
  • Start from Highland Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 9 (x -8173, y 4723) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 1 (x -8130, y 4344) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at tower 11 (x -8275, y 4072) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID any clue from a Feral Hog.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a male Feral Hog weighing at least 170kg.
100 Sc mission 1
Adding Deer To The Menu
  • Start from Homestead Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 10 (x -6200, y 4814) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -6494, y 4094) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -7085, y 3680) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Whitetail Deer.
200 Sc mission 2
Can't Handle The Success
  • Start from Homestead Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -6889, y 5005) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 3 (x -7438, y 4984) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Fort David in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 5 (x -6582, y 6229) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID any clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID another clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Cottontail Rabbit.
300 Sc mission 3
Empty Bellies
  • Start from Highland Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 2 (x -7583, y 4572) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 3 (x -7438, y 4984) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest another Roosevelt Elk.
400 Sc mission 4
Never Brief On An Empty Stomach
  • Start from Homestead Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 5 (x -6582, y 6229) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Fort David in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -6889, y 5005) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID any clue from a Black Bear.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID any clue from a Cottontail Rabbit.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Cottontail Rabbit.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Turkey.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest another Turkey.
600 Sc mission 5
Back To Success
  • Start from Highland Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 2 (x -7583, y 4572) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 3 (x -7438, y 4984) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -6889, y 5005) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 10 (x -6200, y 4814) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Roosevelt Elk.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Roosevelt Elk with the 7mm Break-Action Rifle.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Turkey.
800 Sc mission 6
Small Game Night
  • Start from Highland Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 2 (x -7583, y 4572).
  • Then arrive at Tower 7 (x -7150, y 4433).
  • Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -6889, y 5005).
  • Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -6494, y 4094).
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, ID an audio clue from a Whitetail Deer.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest a Whitetail Deer.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest a Turkey.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest another Turkey.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest a Cottontail Rabbit killed with any Bow*.
1000 Sc mission 7

Note that these objectives do not need to be done in one hunt.
* Crossbow Pistol kills do not count.

Tasty Bear
  • Start from Highland Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 1 (x -8130, y 4344) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 11 (x -8275, y 4072) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -7085, y 3680) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -6494, y 4094) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID tracks from a Feral Hog.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID an audio clue from a Feral Hog.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID any clue from a Black Bear.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Black Bear killed with a .30-06 Lever Action Rifle.
1200 Sc mission 8
Preparing For The Feast
  • Start at Homestead Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 5 (x -6582, y 6229) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Fort David in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -6889, y 5005) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 10 (x -6200, y 4814) in the same hunt.
  • Then arrive at Tower 7 (x -7150, y 4433) in the same hunt.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID any clue from a Cottontail Rabbit.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Cottontail Rabbit.
  • At any point during the same hunt, ID any clue from a Whitetail Deer.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Whitetail Deer killed with any Compound Bow.
  • At any point during the same hunt, harvest a Roosevelt Elk.
1800 Sc mission 9
Couples Dinner
  • Start at Homestead Lodge in Settler Creeks.
  • Then arrive at Tower 5 (x -6582, y 6229).
  • Then arrive at Fort David.
  • Then arrive at Sergeant's Rest Campsite.
  • Then arrive at Tower 9 (x -8173, y 4723).
  • Then arrive at Tower 1 (x -8130, y 4344).
  • Then arrive at Tower 11 (x -8275, y 4072).
  • Then arrive at Tower 8 (x -7085, y 3680).
  • Then arrive at Tower 6 (x -6494, y 4094).
  • Then arrive at Tower 10 (x -6200, y 4814).
  • Then arrive at Tower 4 (x -6889, y 5005).
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest a Cottontail Rabbit.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest a Feral Hog killed with the 7mm Magnum Bullpup Rifle.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, ID droppings from a Black Bear.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, ID tracks from a Black Bear.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest a male Black Bear.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest a female Black Bear.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest a Whitetail Deer.
  • At any point while in Settler Creeks, harvest a Roosevelt Elk.
3600 Sc mission 10

Note that these objectives do not need to be done in one hunt.


Images from Settler Creeks submitted by our Settler Creeks Screenshot Competition winners.



Animal Map

This is a community made map and is based on players' experience in the game. It is a simple attempt to display where animals spawn in this reserve, and NOT where you might find them during a hunting session. The map shows where you can expect to find the animals in maybe 80% of your hunts right after you start the game. The animals can also appear in other places, but they will with less frequency.

The animals are shown on the map in clusters. This approach does not do the game perfect justice, but the map becomes easy to understand. Imagine a circle around each cluster and you will get an idea about their predominant spawning locations.

