The Hunter Wikia
The Hunter Wikia

theHunter not only features many animals and locations, but also requires the players to apply a variety of hunting tactics. This page lists the tactics for each species based on the experience from the players.

Quick Access

Mule deer male common
Whitetail deer male common
Blacktail deer male common
Sitka deer male common
Roosevelt elk male common
Moose male common
Reindeer male common
Red deer male common
Roe deer male common
Mule Deer
Whitetail Deer
Blacktail Deer
Sitka Deer
Roosevelt Elk
Red Deer
Roe Deer
Bison male common
Alpine ibex male common
Red kangaroo male common
Polar bear male common
Brown bear male common
Black bear male common
Wild boar male common
Feral hog male common
Coyote male common
Alpine Ibex
Red Kangaroo
Polar Bear
Brown Bear
Black Bear
Wild Boar
Feral Hog
Red fox male common
Arctic fox male common
Turkey male common
Pheasant male common
Canada goose male common
Mallard male commonAmerican black duck male common
Northern pintail male commonGadwall male common
European rabbit male common
Cottontail rabbit male common
Snowshoe hare male common
Red Fox
Arctic Fox
Canada Goose
Euro Rabbit

Mule Deer

Mule deer male common
Trophy mule deer

Trophy Mule Deer buck from Luckygirl scoring 244.763

Trophy nt mule deer

Trophy Non-Typical Mule Deer buck from HooCairs scoring 418.382

Mule Deer can be found throughout the entire map of Logger's Point as well as in all of the lower regions of Timbergold Trails. Your starting location does not matter that much, because as the game progresses, no matter where they originate, due to their almost constant roaming you can find Mule Deer pretty much everywhere. They appear to spend more time in the woods near the water than they do on the hilltops, but this is certainly supported by the fact that there are more woods, and that the beaches present a natural border as which the deer will either turn around, or walk along. Always a good starting point is the Border Lodge. Start there in the early morning and walk anywhere into the island. There is a high presence of Mule Deer, but you will also encounter some feral hogs as well as the occasional coyote or pheasant.

The Mule Deer is a herd animal and you will find few singles. Singles or small groups could have spawned as such, or they could be from a group that was parted by spooking or getting stuck in certain territory or vegetation. The bucks travel alone or in groups with up to five males. The does always start as herds, consisting mostly of five or six does. A group of five bucks is known as "The Five Brothers" by the game community. In Timbergold Trails you can also find mixed groups.

There is camouflage clothing available that provides various advantages specifically against all deer species.

Sense Reduction Values (1 = some; 6 = excellent)

Camo Visual Scent Sound
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monsignor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Army Outfit 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trapper Outfit 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Outback Outfit 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

You will quickly see a big difference when using any of these outfits with the deer species when you have approached them with a regular outfit before. When in prone, the animals will almost step on you before they notice the danger and run. These clothes have the same effect on any map, environment and vegetation, as opposed to certain camouflage clothes which only unfold their advantages when in certain areas such as forests, but provide zero camouflage otherwise.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Weight does correlate somewhat with the score. Follow tracks from heavy bucks. If you find tracks from a group of bucks, always follow those as well. Most of the times at least one decent buck will be in there. Be careful near the shores of Logger's Point. Herds can turn around when they hit the waterfront, and either continue in an unpredictable direction, or come right back at you. There are many trees and the according shadows cast near the entire waterfront. The Mule Deer can be easily overseen in there with their brownish color. Make sure to glass more often near the shores.

Use the Deer Bleat or the Deer Grunt to lure the Muleys. Both callers have the same luring effect, and the effect is the same for both males and females. You may use Mule Deer Urine Spray which lasts a lot longer than the caller, and lets you safely move into a hiding place or stand.

Field Judging
When you spot the Mule Deer bucks, look for one with large antlers with long points. Soon you will be able to field judge the antlers and tell a small score from a big one. Make sure to always see all bucks in a herd before picking one to be taken out. You might get tempted shooting at the first one that looks good, but especially in groups of four or five bucks often times there is one really nice rack in it. If you see two good racks and cannot decide you can either develop a strategy to get them both, i.e. with multiple shots from a fast reloading rifle or shotgun, or select which you believe is the bigger score by looking at the Huntermate score estimation. A good Spotting Skill supports this a lot, so keep building this up by spotting all bucks and does near you.

Dealing with groups (herds, packs, flocks)
If you fancy shooting any gender, roam around and look for their tracks or listen for their calls. If you are after the big male, leave signs of females behind and keep going until you find the according presence of males. When you encounter a group, check the map and look for a good ambushing location. Call from a 30-50m (100-165 ft.) of your hiding spot or use scent spray if available, then move there and wait. If the group has a big male, it can be the first animal to react to the lure just as much as the last. It is therefore important to always be patient and try to spot all animals in the group before taking a shot. Spotting all animals also has the positive side effect of increasing your spotting skill for this species.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

An experienced hunter can take out multiple Mule Deer with a silent bow such as the Parker Python. This works especially well with does and also somewhat with the bucks as long as there are a few meters to the next. The kill will have to be immediate though, or the hurt animal will run and flush the rest of the group.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Spooked Mule Deer do not run very far with the exception of high scoring bucks. Both males and females will alternatively stop, walk and trot for while. They will be alert while nervous, but you can still approach them just enough for a good shot. The Logger's Point reserve has an extra challenge ready for you when tracking them near the seashore. The recurring trotting of recently spooked Mule Deer along with their absence of calling while nervous can result in bumping into them while the tracks would suggest they should be much further away. Again the advice is given here to better glass once too often.

After a buck has calmed down and is ready to be lured again, remember that others might also be in the area. Calling them back to you requires extra attention and surveillance of the environment. Ideally do not stay in the spot where you called from but rather move away into a location with enough cover (i.e. near trees where you are better protected with Sneaky 3D Summer Camo) but still have a good line of sight for the shot.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Border Lodge Logger's Point West
Field Lodge Logger's Point North

Video Guide


Whitetail Deer

Whitetail deer male common
Trophy whitetail deer

Trophy Whitetail Deer buck from steelfire scoring 206.497

Trophy nt whitetail deer

Trophy Non-Typical Whitetail Deer buck from winzu52 scoring 339.844

The Whitetail Deer is the animal with the greatest spread over the EHR reserves. It can be found in all "American" based maps. A majestic buck is always a welcomed trophy on any hunt, even if you are after other animals.

Unlike many other deer species, all Whitetail bucks and does spawn and travel alone. If you encounter more than one of either gender close to each other, it is by pure random, or because multiple animals were attracted by the same lure.

There is camouflage clothing available that provides various advantages specifically against all deer species.

Sense Reduction Values (1 = some; 6 = excellent)

Camo Visual Scent Sound
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monsignor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Army Outfit 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trapper Outfit 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Outback Outfit 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

You will quickly see a big difference when using any of these outfits with the deer species when you have approached them with a regular outfit before. When in prone, the animals will almost step on you before they notice the danger and run. These clothes have the same effect on any map, environment and vegetation, as opposed to certain camouflage clothes which only unfold their advantages when in certain areas such as forests, but provide zero camouflage otherwise.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Weight does correlate somewhat with the score. Follow tracks from heavy bucks. The highest scores are not necessarily achieved by the heaviest bucks though, so consider mid size bucks just as much. Only skip small weights. If you are a fervent Whitetail hunter however you will react to all buck calls and lure them towards you just enough to be able to make a judgment whether the animal is worth harvesting.

Use the Deer Bleat or the Deer Grunt to lure Whitetails. Both callers have the same luring effect, and the effect is the same for both males and females. You may use Whitetail Urine Spray which lasts a lot longer than the caller, and lets you safely move into a hiding place or stand.

Field Judging
If you are not sure whether a Whitetail buck is worth a shot, look for a wide spread of the main beams and for long points. Field judging takes some practice, because some bucks can have longer tines on the outer ends of the beams, but missing the tines on the inner parts of the beams close to their heads. Avoid short points even if the spread of the main beams is wide.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off. Expect very long fleeing distances, especially of the larger Whitetail bucks. If you spook an unseen buck, the number of fleeing tracks can be an indication for the final score. If there are only a few fleeing tracks, the buck is not worth following. If you find 5-6 tracks however, consider tracking the buck down.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Southcliff Whitehart Island North
Highland Settler Creeks East
Homestead Settler Creeks West
Trapper's Rest Redfeather Falls Northwest
Darkwood Redfeather Falls South
Whispering Woods Rougarou Bayou Southwest

Video Guide


Blacktail Deer

Blacktail deer male common
Trophy blacktail deer

Trophy Blacktail Deer buck from c05t4 scoring 195.432

Trophy nt blacktail deer

Trophy Non-Typical Blacktail Deer buck from mcgrec scoring 204.172

You cannot miss the Blacktail Deer if you start at the Causeway Lodge in the Whitehart Island reserve and head west. The Blacktails are almost exclusive there. Some deer can sleep during the midday hours, but even then you will come across plenty of activity. The only other animal competing for your attention here is the Roosevelt Elk. You will not regret if you take the necessary time and walk to the northern parts of Redfeather Falls. You can fast travel to the campsite there or to a tent that you placed there earlier. Spotting can be a challenge, as in some areas you have a good distance view on the Blacktails, especially in the swamps. Luring them however and planning a shot is relatively easy compared to the thick woodwork of Whitehart Island.

The Blacktail Deer is a herd animal, however you can also find single bucks. Blacktail bucks can travel alone, in groups of 2-3 bucks, or along with other males and females in larger herds. Any group constellation will not exceed 3 bucks. The does start as a group of 5 or 6, and they can travel along with or without bucks. If you find stray females, they could be from a group that was parted by spooking or getting stuck in certain territory or vegetation.

There is camouflage clothing available that provides various advantages specifically against all deer species.

Sense Reduction Values (1 = some; 6 = excellent)

Camo Visual Scent Sound
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monsignor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Army Outfit 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trapper Outfit 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Outback Outfit 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

You will quickly see a big difference when using any of these outfits with the deer species when you have approached them with a regular outfit before. When in prone, the animals will almost step on you before they notice the danger and run. These clothes have the same effect on any map, environment and vegetation, as opposed to certain camouflage clothes which only unfold their advantages when in certain areas such as forests, but provide zero camouflage otherwise.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Weight does correlate somewhat with the score. Follow tracks from heavy bucks. If you find tracks from a group of bucks, always follow those. There is a chance that one of these males will have a decent score. If you hear a call no matter what gender, lure them towards you. It could be a single Blacktail or a group of up to eight of them. The bigger the group the better the chance for a high scoring male.

Use the Deer Bleat or the Deer Grunt to lure Blacktails. Both callers have the same luring effect, and the effect is the same for both males and females. You may use Blacktail Deer Urine Spray which lasts a lot longer than the caller, and lets you safely move into a hiding place or stand.

Field Judging
When you spot Blacktail bucks, look for one with large antlers with long points. Soon you will be able to field judge the antlers and tell a small score from a big one. When luring in bucks, make sure to look out for other males before taking a shot on the first spotted.

Dealing with groups (herds, packs, flocks)
If you fancy shooting any gender, roam around and look for their tracks or listen for their calls. If you are after the big male, leave signs of females behind and keep going until you find the according presence of males. When you encounter a group, check the map and look for a good ambushing location. Call from a 30-50m (100-165 ft.) of your hiding spot or use scent spray if available, then move there and wait. If the group has a big male, it can be the first animal to react to the lure just as much as the last. It is therefore important to always be patient and try to spot all animals in the group before taking a shot. Spotting all animals also has the positive side effect of increasing your spotting skill for this species.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Causeway Whitehart Island West

Video Guide


Sitka Deer

Sitka deer male common
Trophy sitka deer

Trophy Sitka Deer buck from MaliciousNate scoring 112.7165

Sitka Deer (not to be confused with Sika Deer) is a sub-species of the well established Blacktail Deer and made its appearance with the introduction of Whiterime Ridge. It comes with no surprise that much of hunting this species is similar to that of its before-mentioned relative.

The Sitka Deer is a herd animal. The very most sightings will be groups of mixed genders. The most commonly seen group constellation is five females and two bucks, but you can also find others. If you find stray Sitkas, they could be from a group that was parted by spooking or getting stuck in certain territory or vegetation.

Hunting Sitka in an arctic environment requires at least the Basic Arctic Outfit, which are free for you to pick up at the store. It is however recommended to wear Arctic camo clothes as the Sitkas have good eyesight.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Weight does correlate somewhat with the score. Follow tracks from heavy bucks. There is a chance that one of these males will have a decent score. If you hear a call no matter what gender, lure them towards you. The bigger the group the better the chance for a high scoring male.

Use the Deer Bleat or the Deer Grunt to lure Sitkas. Both callers have the same luring effect, and the effect is the same for both males and females. You may use Sitka Deer Scent Spray which lasts a lot longer than the caller, and lets you safely move into a hiding place or stand.

Field Judging
When you spot Sitka bucks, look for one with large antlers with long points. Soon you will be able to field judge the antlers and tell a small score from a big one. When luring in bucks, make sure to look out for other males before taking a shot on the first spotted.

Dealing with groups (herds, packs, flocks)
If you fancy shooting any gender, roam around and look for their tracks or listen for their calls. If you are after the big male, leave signs of females behind and keep going until you find the according presence of males. When you encounter a group, check the map and look for a good ambushing location. Call from a 30-50m (100-165 ft.) of your hiding spot or use scent spray if available, then move there and wait. If the group has a big male, it can be the first animal to react to the lure just as much as the last. It is therefore important to always be patient and try to spot all animals in the group before taking a shot. Spotting all animals also has the positive side effect of increasing your spotting skill for this species.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Afterland Lodge Whiterime Ridge any direction

Roosevelt Elk

Roosevelt elk male common
Trophy elk

Trophy Roosevelt Elk bull from real64 scoring 429.445

A good starting point for dedicated Elk hunts is the Darkwood Lodge. The eastern and northern parts from there are almost entirely dedicated to the animals with the large racks and their dames. You might walk into a Whitetail or Bear, but most tracks and calls will be from the Elk herds roaming the woods. In the other reserves their appearance is less exclusive, which makes encounters there more special. Always bring permitted guns for them when starting a session. You will hate to miss a large rack only because you aren't prepared. Bow hunters will also have their share of fun. The rather large animal is relatively easy to lure into a suitable position for a safe broadside shot.

Roosevelt Elk bulls travel alone or in mixed groups.

There is camouflage clothing available that provides various advantages specifically against all deer species.

Sense Reduction Values (1 = some; 6 = excellent)

Camo Visual Scent Sound
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monsignor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Army Outfit 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trapper Outfit 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Outback Outfit 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

You will quickly see a big difference when using any of these outfits with the deer species when you have approached them with a regular outfit before. When in prone, the animals will almost step on you before they notice the danger and run. These clothes have the same effect on any map, environment and vegetation, as opposed to certain camouflage clothes which only unfold their advantages when in certain areas such as forests, but provide zero camouflage otherwise.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Weight correlates strongly with the score. Follow tracks from heavy bulls.

Use the Elk "Bugle" Caller to lure the Roosevelt Elk. This caller has the same luring effect for both males and females. In addition it also provokes vocal responses. Use this caller regularly and listen out for any activity. Responses can be from males and females. Note that the elk bugle caller has a rather short luring effect, call the animals in short frequencies. They can lose interest quickly otherwise, abort their strolling towards you, and walk away. You cannot over-call. You may also use Roosevelt Elk Urine Spray which lasts a lot longer and lets you safely move into a hiding place or stand.

Field Judging
Look for large antlers with long points. Pay attention to the crown points, i.e. the points on the backward extension of the main beams. When luring in elk groups, look out for other males before taking a shot on the first spotted.

Dealing with groups (herds, packs, flocks)
If you fancy shooting any gender, roam around and look for their tracks or listen for their calls. If you are after the big male, leave signs of females behind and keep going until you find the according presence of males. When you encounter a group, check the map and look for a good ambushing location. Call from a 30-50m (100-165 ft.) of your hiding spot or use scent spray if available, then move there and wait. If the group has a big male, it can be the first animal to react to the lure just as much as the last. It is therefore important to always be patient and try to spot all animals in the group before taking a shot. Spotting all animals also has the positive side effect of increasing your spotting skill for this species.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Southcliff Whitehart Island North
Highland Settler Creeks Southwest, southeast
Darkwood Redfeather Falls Northeast

Featured Redfeather Elk Route

This is a possible route with a lot of Roosevelt Elk activity. The size of the animal icons represents the chances for the different species in the area to occur.

RFF elk route

Video Guide



Moose male common
Trophy moose

Trophy Moose bull from YBCUT4 scoring 240.936

The Moose is the largest animal of the deer species in the game. A bull with massive antlers is always an exceptional trophy in your collection. Their roaming speed is high. It is relatively easy to follow them crouching compared to some other deer, and they are not very scary. You can quickly find many Moose when starting at the Trapper's Rest Lodge on Redfeather Falls and going up the west side of the reserve. This is also a good place for Whitetails so be wary of these and make sure you do not spook them and flush the moose you are after.

Moose bulls and cows can spawn and travel alone, but you can also find groups. Especially in the Hemmeldal reserve bulls can be accompanied by one or two cows.

There is camouflage clothing available that provides various advantages specifically against all deer species.

Sense Reduction Values (1 = some; 6 = excellent)

Camo Visual Scent Sound
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monsignor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Army Outfit 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trapper Outfit 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Outback Outfit 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

You will quickly see a big difference when using any of these outfits with the deer species when you have approached them with a regular outfit before. When in prone, the animals will almost step on you before they notice the danger and run. These clothes have the same effect on any map, environment and vegetation, as opposed to certain camouflage clothes which only unfold their advantages when in certain areas such as forests, but provide zero camouflage otherwise.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

The weight to score relation is not very strong. You can find bulls with large antlers that aren't that heavy, and vice versa, very heavy bulls that score very low. The maximum weight is 620kg. If you find tracks from a heavy bull don't miss out on following it. The moose is not very scary. You can easily catch up and check it out. Just look out for other bulls and cows when luring them.

Use the Moose Caller to lure the Moose. This caller has the same luring effect for both males and females. In addition it also provokes vocal responses. Use this caller regularly and listen out for any activity. Responses can be from males and females. Note that the caller has a rather short luring effect on the moose. Call the animals in short frequencies. They can lose interest quickly otherwise, abort their strolling towards you, and walk away. You cannot over-call. You may also use Moose Scent Spray which lasts a lot longer and lets you safely move into a hiding place or stand.

Field Judging
The Moose antlers can get massive. The difference from the smallest antlers to the biggest ones is immense. Field judging moose is relatively easy. If you ever spot a Moose antlers that could serve as tractor wheels, make sure to stop what you are doing and go after it. Aggression
This species is one of those that can attack you. This happens if you shoot at it or when you got really close to it. The animal will start an aggression animation and look fiercely at you. It can also makes growls that you wouldn't normally hear. If you see the animal doing this you have a chance to run away or get ready for a shot. Sometimes the animal will abort the attack and flee. It can also happen that an animal will start fleeing but then stop and turn around for an attack. If you are very close to a species capable of attacking, have a firearm ready for your defense, or back out. You can also be completely blindsided by an animal that you did not realize it was there. When attacked, you will be hurt and will need to either heal yourself with a First Aid Kit or fast travel to a tent or lodge.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

The large Moose is a great target for bow hunters. Badly shot arrows however might not hurt the animal enough and you could end up having to track the shot animal for a long while. Also after a bad shot, the Moose might attack you. You will not be able to react fast enough with a bow, so plan your first shot well and only shoot at the animal when it stands still.

From behind, a Moose is very hard to take down even from close. A good way though is shooting the backside of the head with a rifle. The head is a bit above the shoulders and sticks out just enough for you to aim at. The Moose has a lot of head movement and a good shot placement takes patience. If you hit though, the bullet will easily penetrate the skull and reach the brain for a clean take-down.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off. Spooked Moose are easier to find than many other deer species.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Trapper's Rest Redfeather Falls Northwest or East
Koppartorp Hemmeldal West or East
Afterland Whiterime Ridge North

Video Guide



Reindeer male common
Trophy reindeer

Trophy Reindeer bull from Helgest scoring 720.103

Often requested and finally added to the game, the Reindeer offers a challenge that most might not have expected. The Reindeer follows the rules of Animal Migration. Many of the tactics that you have been using no longer work for this Nordic species. With the animals that never leave the reserve you can know that if you play well, you can eventually find most animals sooner or later. The Reindeer that came in on one end of the map however will wander across the border on the other end.

The Reindeer follows the rules of Animal Migration. Like waterfowl, some animals will spawn on the map at the start. There can be single animals here and there, but the majority will roam in groups. The migratory groups consist of one male and between four and six females.

There is camouflage clothing available that provides various advantages specifically against all deer species.

Sense Reduction Values (1 = some; 6 = excellent)

Camo Visual Scent Sound
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monsignor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Army Outfit 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trapper Outfit 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Outback Outfit 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

You will quickly see a big difference when using any of these outfits with the deer species when you have approached them with a regular outfit before. When in prone, the animals will almost step on you before they notice the danger and run. These clothes have the same effect on any map, environment and vegetation, as opposed to certain camouflage clothes which only unfold their advantages when in certain areas such as forests, but provide zero camouflage otherwise.

Holiday sweater There is also a sweater Holiday Sweater available that provides specific protection against watchful Reindeer eyes.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Reindeer herds wander in a rather straight path through the reserve mostly not bothering about any objects in their way. Only the few steep parts where players and animals slide down when trying to pass will make the Reindeer turn, but this does not happen very often. The roaming speed is immense. For most animals that you follow you can keep an eye on the dotted or solid circle on the Huntermate. Once you see a solid circle you can be pretty sure the animal is as far away from you as the circle predicts, unless the animals were spooked or went to sleep. For the Reindeer the Huntermate prediction is not accurate. In fact the fast wandering and often trotting deer are about double the distance from you than what the circle indicates. If you ever crouch on the pursuit of a Reindeer herd, you will quickly fall behind. Keep walking until the circle has a radius of about 100-150m before you start calling. The tendons of the Reindeer click when they walk or trot. It is a way to know where the herd is even if they haven't called yet or you haven't detected them visually. Listen for these clicking sounds or for calls from the bulls. The cows' calls cannot be heard well, but the Huntermate will pick them up. If there is no call coming make sure to catch up with a herd before it leaves the reserve. Go really fast (don't run) the first few times to get a feeling for how close they really are compared to the Huntermate information.

If you cannot catch up or realize that the herd is very far ahead already, you can fast travel to a lodge or tent that is ahead of the roaming path, and wait for the herd there. Behave quietly when you arrive, the fast roaming herd might be approaching already, or even be there or beyond.

Use the Reindeer Rattle to attract groups or singles if you are aware of them. Only males follow the calls, but they will pull the entire group towards you. The otherwise speedy Reindeer does not approach your call faster than other deer. The more animals there are in a group, the bigger the chance for being detected. As long as you don't know their number, maneuver as if there were many. Stay out of sight and just identify their calls while they come in so you have a constant status update about their position. The male will come straight towards you, and the females will trot around the male. Be careful, their paths are unpredictable. Even when the bull has arrived at the calling location, the cows will constantly trot around, so you need to stay out of their circles.

Field Judging
Both male and female Reindeer have antlers and thus a score. You can find bulls that score lower than the highest scoring cow in a herd. Look for antlers with many ends and large palms. You will however only in rare cases have to distinguish between multiple males, for example when two adjacent herds are attracted by your call, or when you detect them while their herds cross. Otherwise you won't likely see more than one bull in the same place.

Shooting the animal
After luring a herd things can get a bit tricky. There is a certain risk for being detected. Also the Reindeer's habitat Hemmeldal is hilly and often has patches of dense vegetation. The Reindeer are not easy to detect and blend well with their environment. Make sure to not stay in the spot that you called from. Cows tend to trot around and past the bull that they follow. Certain rifles are almost too strong or a caliber for this species, and even a bad shot will end deadly. If you choose a more considerate caliber make sure to place your shot well. A badly shot bull will often be lost due to their fast speed in any state they are in (calm, spooked, nervous). Try to ambush the animal and plan a shot to the flank. As with any other animal wait for them to stand still for a safe shot. The Reindeer won't stand around for very long though.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Listen again for the clicking sounds of the tendons of the trotting animal and let it calm down for a safe shot. The animal will return to its normal state and won't roam at the same speed as before. You have a good chance for finding a spooked bull. As opposed to the females, the males do not trot around which makes finding it a lot easier.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Koppartorp Hemmeldal West or South

Video Guide


Red Deer

Red deer male common
Trophy reddeer

Hall of Fame Red Deer stag from Ikan scoring 282.378

The Red Deer is a widely found deer species in European and other countries and is only exceeded in size by the Moose. It is therefore an always welcomed trophy in every hunt. For hunters specifically looking for this majestic animal with its distinctive antlers, they best roam the southern and western parts of the Hirschfelden reserve. Other than the Red Fox no animal will take their attention which makes this a great area for Red Deer hunting. Interestingly the very same is true for the Val-des-Bois reserve. South-west, many red deer, some foxes. Great areas!

Red Deer females spawn in groups of five or six hinds. If you find less than that the group was split by spooking or path finding difficulties. The stags can travel alone or in a group of five hinds. If you encounter more than one stag in the same area, they have crossed paths randomly. They will likely come both to a call.

There is camouflage clothing available that provides various advantages specifically against all deer species.

Sense Reduction Values (1 = some; 6 = excellent)

Camo Visual Scent Sound
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monsignor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Army Outfit 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trapper Outfit 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Outback Outfit 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

You will quickly see a big difference when using any of these outfits with the deer species when you have approached them with a regular outfit before. When in prone, the animals will almost step on you before they notice the danger and run. These clothes have the same effect on any map, environment and vegetation, as opposed to certain camouflage clothes which only unfold their advantages when in certain areas such as forests, but provide zero camouflage otherwise.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

It is worth following tracks of heavy stags, because their weight/score relation is a bit higher than for some other deer species. The top scoring bulls are all above 200kg, most even over 210kg. Their roaming speed is high and they can spot you well. It is a bit harder to follow them crouching compared to other male deer. Because many herds have a bull in them you should always call any herd you locate towards you, and then check it out entirely for a good scoring male.

Use the Red Deer Caller to lure this deer. The caller has the same luring effect for both males and females. In addition it also provokes vocal responses. Use this caller regularly and listen out for any activity. Responses can be from males and females. Call the animals in short frequencies. You cannot over-call. Always be aware of your environment, the animals can spread out and surprise you by walking in from a side. Also in dense areas you might be luring another herd without noticing. Try to lure the animals out of dense woodwork. The red deer blends nicely with the fall environment of Hirschfelden. You run the danger of spooking them, or a nearby Fox or Roe Deer. Also dense vegetation makes a safe shot harder if you have no clear line of sight.

Field Judging
Look for long beams with a wide spread, with many ends. The largest Red Deer bulls have exaggerated antlers. If you feel you are seeing what would be a major score in real nature, the bull might still score medium to low. Once you have seen one of those incredibly large set of antlers, you won't be looking for anything else.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Following a spooked Red Deer is hard. They encounter you from far away. It is essential to constantly glass the area. If you crouch after a high scoring stag and finally find a roaming track after many fleeing tracks, you have likely come too close already and spooked it again.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Ritterstein Hirschfelden West or South
Maison du Néant Val-des-Bois North

Video Guide


Roe Deer

Roe deer male common
Trophy roedeer

Trophy Roe Deer buck from Alex2der2hunter scoring 257.093

The Roe Deer is for Europe what the Whitetail Deer is for the North American continent. It can be found pretty much everywhere and therefor appears on all European based game maps. Some hunters like them more, some like them less. The antlers are the smallest in the game and might not be as impressive as those of all other deer species, however a nice Roe Deer buck is still a welcomed trophy for everyone. Also the barking when nervous or spooked can be annoying to some. After their initial release it was overdone but got later corrected to a very acceptable level. In fact that barking can help locating the Roe Deer acoustically and add to the thrill of hunting this small deer species.

All Roe deer bucks and does travel alone in the Hirschfelden reserve or team up with others of both genders in the Hemmeldal and Val-des-Bois reserves. Sometimes in dense areas you can find old tracks (older than 60 minutes) of five or six Roe Deer right after starting your hunting session, which means they spawned in a large group and started moving into different directions.

There is camouflage clothing available that provides various advantages specifically against all deer species.

Sense Reduction Values (1 = some; 6 = excellent)

Camo Visual Scent Sound
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monsignor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Army Outfit 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trapper Outfit 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Outback Outfit 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

You will quickly see a big difference when using any of these outfits with the deer species when you have approached them with a regular outfit before. When in prone, the animals will almost step on you before they notice the danger and run. These clothes have the same effect on any map, environment and vegetation, as opposed to certain camouflage clothes which only unfold their advantages when in certain areas such as forests, but provide zero camouflage otherwise.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

It is worth following tracks of heavy bucks, because their weight/score relation is a bit higher than for some other deer species. The largest scoring bucks are most above 30kg, but you can also find them as low as 27kg. You can nicely walk along a Roe Deer trail with at least one male in it and listen for their calls. Even if you have a solid circle on the Huntermate indicating that you have come really close, you should not have scared them yet.

Use the Roe Deer Caller or Roe Deer Scent to attract both males and females. Be aware that a call can attract multiple animals even if you are only aware of one animal being in the vicinity. You can move a bit closer to a single or group before you call, just make sure to crouch. Find an elevated spot and place a call or scent trap at least 20m away from you. Make sure to have a clear line of sight. The brown Roe Deer is small and blends with all seasonal environment, i.e. with summer (Val-des-Bois), fall (Hirschfelden) and winter (Hemmeldal) maps. After you applied a lure, nearby bucks will trot into your call, so be ready and listen for their appearance. Females stroll towards you and take a lot longer. After a male has arrived, an experienced hunter will take the time and wait for a possible other buck to come to the calling or scented location. There have been cases where four bucks ended up competing for the calling spot.

Field Judging
Look for long and strong antler beams. The backward main tine will grow with the size of the main beam. A small beam with a large tine or vice versa does not exist, so you cannot mistake a small from a large final score. Basically look at the overall size. The small antlers are a bit hard to judge from further away. A good Spotting Skill is helpful to have for this species. Build up your skill by spotting all Roe Deer (wait for info to appear in the upper right corner) before shooting them, even if your trained eye can already distinguish a small from a large buck when they stand close to you.

A final score of +200 is very good and can place you in the top three of a score competition, even if the winner is going to be around 250 points. There is normal distribution in scores up to about 205. Then a wide gap opens with very few shot Roe Deer from 205 to about 240.

Shooting the animal
Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Using a stand supports your plans, especially because many times multiple animals can approach you after you have applied a lure. Stay alert for other Roe Deer that might be in the area. Many permitted weapons, especially rifles are oversize and even a bad shot will lead to a fast death. Try shooting more than one deer in the same place using Buckshot.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

After a Roe Deer has spooked it will make a quacking sound. Even after the animal has stopped running it will continue this quacking for some time. This can be helpful for you to find it. This is similar behavior to the chirping of the Alpine Ibex. Be careful and keep glassing when approaching the nervous deer. Follow the fleeing tracks and at the same time listen for the quacking sound. You can come close to a nervous Roe Deer, at least closer than for example to a Red Deer or Whitetail Deer. If you cannot locate the spooked animal, wait some time and then start using the lures again, and the animal might be coming back. Some areas are densely populated by Roe Deer and a spooked critter might have scared some others that have run in the same direction. As a result often times you will encounter that after following one and using a lure again, you will have more animals come to you that you were aware of being around.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Müllerwaldhütte Hirschfelden Northwest
Drängstorp Hemmeldal West
Chalet du Mont-Bleu Val-des-Bois East

Video Guide



Bison male common
Trophy bison

Trophy Bison bull from Trylander scoring 127.188

The Bison is the first bovine species in the game and makes its appearance with the opening of the Whiterime Ridge reserve. The bison stands its ground when you approach it, and it takes good shot placement to drop it without a long follow-up tracking. However when it is on the move, with or without peers, you have to keep on your toes to keep up. Even in the deep snow areas the bison moves very fast, similar to the Reindeer. When spooked, you will only see it for a few more seconds before it will leave your viewing range.

The fact that it takes quite a bit though for these massive animals to get frightened makes it an interesting balancing experience for you as to how close you can move to them, try to take out a few with well placed shots, and watch out so you don't get taken on the horns by one of them. There is no meeting with them half way as there is no lure available. The bison dictates where it is going to put up with you.

The Bison is a herd animal, however you can also find single animals at times. The groups consist of up to six animals, of which one or two will usually be males.

The clothes for going after Bison appear to be little of importance, as this clumsy animal seems to be the one that is the least frightened of them all. Even if it sees you approaching, it will not run until it feels you are really getting too close now. The Arctic camo clothes will make a small difference and you will be fine with just the Basic Arctic Outfit, which are free for you to pick up at the store.

Weight does correlate somewhat with the score. Follow tracks from heavy bulls. If you find tracks from a herd, always follow those. There is a chance that one of these males will have a decent score. If you hear a call no matter what gender, go check out the place. It could be a single Bison or a group. The bigger the group, the better the chance for a high scoring male. Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator are not required for a successful hunt of this species.

No lure is available for Bison.

Field Judging
When you spot Bison, look for one with large horns. Soon you will be able to field judge the horns and tell a small score from a big one. High scoring bulls will have horns that exceed their skull. They are also thicker. You cannot distinguish males and females from the color, which is always similar no matter what gender. You can however look at the body sizes. Males will be visibly larger.

Dealing with herds If you fancy shooting any gender, roam around and look for their tracks or listen for their calls. If you are after the big male, leave signs of females behind and keep going until you find the according presence of males. When you encounter a group, try to spot them and receive information about their potential size and score. Spotting all animals also has the positive side effect of increasing your spotting skill for this species. Since there is no lure available, you will have to keep up with the fast roaming group. The spotting is difficult because you will be looking at a number of animals constantly walking, trotting and mingling.

This species is one of those that can attack you. This happens if you shoot at it or when you got really close to it. The animal will start an aggression animation and look fiercely at you. It can also makes growls that you wouldn't normally hear. If you see the animal doing this you have a chance to run away or get ready for a shot. Sometimes the animal will abort the attack and flee. It can also happen that an animal will start fleeing but then stop and turn around for an attack. If you are very close to a species capable of attacking, have a firearm ready for your defense, or back out. You can also be completely blindsided by an animal that you did not realize it was there. When attacked, you will be hurt and will need to either heal yourself with a First Aid Kit or fast travel to a tent or lodge. Carrying a strong handgun such as the .454 is advisable for self defense in case the Bison decides to plow over you. You can dodge an attacking bison maybe once, but barely twice.

Shooting the animal
A shot on Bison must be well placed, or you will be in for tracking and a follow-up shot. Avoid hasty shots. A good Spotting Skill will support you picking the right animal if there are several. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. Aim above the leg, roughly at the bottom of the reddish area on the animal's side. Another comparably safe area is the very large spine, especially behind the neck. Many a shot aimed high will end up being a spine shot, which will either kill the bison immediately (when hitting neck bones) or paralyze it (when hitting other spine bones).

Bow hunting the bison is possible, but takes patience and care. Get within 30m, or a long search will follow.

Remember that the Longbow and shotguns are not allowed for Bison.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Afterland Lodge Whiterime Ridge any direction

Video Guide


Alpine Ibex

Alpine ibex male common
Trophy alpine ibex

Trophy Alpine Ibex buck from Keiler3006 scoring 286.140

The Ibex presents a slightly different playing experience that for example that of deer species. It is located in the higher regions of Val-des-Bois and has outstanding climbing abilities. It can climb up very steep mountainsides, even to places where a player cannot get. Ibexes are wary and quiet animals who blend in well in their native Alpine environment. The Alpine Ibex is a skillful climbers. It can climb almost vertical cliff faces with ease, so going after them will require a great deal of knowledge of the area. Some steep surfaces may be possible to climb, others will lead to a quick drop down to harm. Wise hunters always bring a First Aid Kit along when hunting Ibex in Val-des-Bois. When hunting Alpine Ibex, there should be a lot of planning going into every shot to avoid losing that great trophy. After all, that is what makes hunting Alpine Ibex worth it: those magnificent horns!

Ibexes spawn and travel as singles or in mixed groups of up to six animals. The does always build the majority of the group, and there are not more than two bucks in a group.

Val-des-Bois is a summer map, however the Sneaky 3d Summer Forest camo only protects you against the Alpine Ibex in the very scarce forested parts in the mountainous regions. You are much better off with the Sneaky 3d Alpine camo set which is specifically designed for this type of terrain. You may also use the Outback Outfit and/or Face Paint, a Cowboy Hat or a Flat Cap to reduce the signs of your presence.

Weight correlates somewhat with the score. Follow tracks from heavy bucks. It is possible to get audio clues from the Ibex but these are sparse and are never calls. The Ibex does not call like other animals. It has a rock slide sound when in the steep slopes. This sound is registered like a call on the Huntermate. Ibex fighting can also be registered with the Huntermate. The fights are usually not very long and by the time you arrive to observe them, they might have ceased fighting already. Nevertheless their fighting can give away their location. If you hear ibex activity, scan the area. If there is one, there might be more of them. Ibexes utter a recurring chirping sound when they flee, which gives away their running direction. This is similar behavior to the Roe Deer's barking when spooked. They keep chirping for quite some time even after they have stopped running. Follow that sound and often times you will see the Ibex in the distance standing still.

There are no attractants available for the Alpine Ibex, which makes it one of the species that require a pure spot and stalk style of hunting.

Field Judging
Look for long and thick horns that bend backwards. Large scoring ibexes have horns that almost tough their back (in the game).

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Shooting the animal
Shooting the Alpine Ibex must be somewhat planned. Survey the land with your optical devices. It will be tempting to fire at an Alpine Ibex high up on a mountain wall but it may have unfortunate consequences. If you shoot an Ibex on a cliff-side with either an outcropping or a slope that lacks enough inclination below, the dead animal can get stuck. Wait for a better opportunity, which might however take a very long time. A shot Ibex will slide or roll down as long as the incline is steep enough. If the animal stops in a place that cannot be reached from below, try to get to the animal from above. In many cases there simply is no way to the kill. This video explains how you might still be able to retrieve your Ibex.

It is possible that the Alpine Ibex will be outside the border. You may clearly see it on a mountainside and you can aim at it, but the game will prevent you from shooting it. You have to again wait for it to return to the inside of the reserve boundaries.

A good weapon for the hunt on the Alpine Ibex is the fast reloading .30-06 Lever Action Rifle. Often times you will find a group of five to six animals. You can keep shooting with this rifle while keeping sight on them. Spooked animals tend to run in circles in front of steep walls of cliffs instead of climbing them. Wait for them to stand still for a second or two during their flight before they run off again, and you can take out a few at a time.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Listen for the chirping sound and let the animal calm down from its trotting after fleeing for a safe shot. If you have approached them from behind a hill and all of a sudden you hear them run away for some reason (you will hear the chirping), get up and run to the top of the hill. Often times you can still pick out a few Ibexes while they are trying to find a path away from you. Cliffs and walls will again confuse them just enough to keep them within reach.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Chalet du Mont-Bleu Val-des-Bois North
Maison du Néant Val-des-Bois East

Val-des-Bois Hunting Routes

Thanks to community contributor Cireme for this map.

Vdb ibex hunting

Video Guide


Red Kangaroo

Red kangaroo male common
Trophy kangaroo

Trophy Red Kangaroo from GraveBR scoring 90.888

The Red Kangaroo was introduced as the new species of the Australia-inspired Bushrangers Run reserve. It is relatively easy to hunt when wandering through the eastern, grassy parts of this hunting area. The "Roo" is not among the top animals that come to mind when dealing with a hunting game and it might even be funny for some to shoot it. However the way this very interesting animal has been implemented, combined with the stunning map it lives on, kangaroo hunting is fun both in single and multiplayer mode. Its size allows for a vast range of allowed weapons, and it can be taken out from long ranges with the largest available Rifle calibers just as nicely as from shorter ranges with Bows, Muzzleloaders, Shotguns or Handguns. Tree Stand hunting is not an option, the trees in Bushrangers Run cannot hold that device.


The Red Kangaroo is a herd animal, but you can also find single animals. Groups can consist of up to 6 females, or less females and up to 2 males.

Clothing Bushrangers Run has a specific set of clothes, the Sneaky 3D Arid Camo which is perfect for the entire map. It is also possible to use the all-rounder set Outback Outfit. It fits the area from a cultural style just nicely.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Searching and stalking
If you fancy shooting any gender, roam around and look for their tracks. If you are after the big male, leave signs of females behind and keep going until you find the according presence of males. The score of the Red Kangaroo is the weight. Follow tracks of heavy males. Glass ahead often when the Huntermate tells you that you have come close. There is no lure available for the Red Kangaroo, but you can pick up calls with the Huntermate. If you are close to them you can also hear it walk around. Even if you walk or run into fleeing tracks, when the estimation predicts a high weight, take the time to stalk that kangaroo. When you encounter a group, look for the reddish animals in the group. Those are the males. If there are multiple males in a group, try to retrieve the spotting information in order to determine which is the heaviest among them. Slowly move closer until you have a clear line of sight for a precise shot. Spotting all animals has the positive side effect of increasing your Spotting Skill for this species.

There are no attractants available for the Red Kangaroo, which makes it one of the species that require a pure spot and stalk style of hunting.

Shooting the animal
Take your time for a precise shot. With its pear-like form, the Kangaroo is "bottom-heavy". The larger part of it is closer to the ground and often covered by rocks, plants or a slight hump on the ground. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until you have been able to sneak closer for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side.

If the animal flees
Spooked Kangaroos will not run very far after being spooked by walking, running or shooting. Crouch forward and glass often. You will either detect it among the trees and bushes, or even more likely you will hear its very distinct foot stomping. The kangaroos do this constantly when in nervous state and the stomping can be nicely heard from far.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Walkabout Creek Bushrangers Run South, east or north

Video Guide


Polar Bear

Polar bear male common
Trophy polarbear

Trophy Polar Bear from Veikko94 scoring 31.024

When introduced to the Evergreen Hunting Reserve, the Polar Bear was a protected species with only few time windows when hunters would be allowed to shoot this massive bear. Over time this limitation was lifted and the Polar Bear is now huntable at all times just like any other creature in the EHR. It separates itself from the other bear species in that in can be tricky or even impossible to get to, when it marches along the ice floes on the ocean. Also it attacks much faster and from further away, making its habitat areas more dangerous to roam for any hunter. Also as opposed to other bears, it cannot be baited.

All Polar Bears travel alone. You might see several of them at once when on the ice floes, but along the snowy shores of Whiterime Ridge multiples of these bears in one place will be seldom. The Polar Bears can spawn both on the ice masses as well as on the main land.

Camo clothes can help to approach the Polar Bear without spooking it. Males tend to run away from further away than females. You can get really close to some bears to the point that they attack.

Around the northern half of Whiterime Ridge there are many ice floes on the ocean near the land. Roaming the shores and spotting these ice masses can help finding the Polar Bears. They will stay on the ice for the most part and only sometimes swim or walk to the shore. They can however also be found on the main land. These will rarely travel out onto the floes, but it can happen. If Polar Bears swim to the floes it can be difficult or impossible to follow them. Note that if playing the game with "Scene Complexity" set to "Low", there will be a lot less floes, and also there will be no bridges to enter the ice masses. The bears are then even less likely to travel between ice and main land.

Polar Bear make calls that your HunterMate can identify. In areas with few other animals, receiving calls from the Polar Bear is quite common. This is the easiest way to locate them. Constant spotting ahead on the main land can also prove useful, the massive animal has a yellowish color that is pretty different from the snow that will let you see it in the open.

There is no caller or scent spray available for the Polar Bear and baiting is also not possible.

Field Judging
After you have been watching them for a while you should be able to tell a heavy Polar Bear from a light one. However the score is calculated from the dimensions of the skull. It is not possible to tell a larger skull from a smaller one.

This species is one of those that can attack you. This happens if you shoot at it or when you got really close to it. The animal will start an aggression animation and look fiercely at you. It can also makes growls that you wouldn't normally hear. If you see the animal doing this you have a chance to run away or get ready for a shot. Sometimes the animal will abort the attack and flee. It can also happen that an animal will start fleeing but then stop and turn around for an attack. If you are very close to a species capable of attacking, have a firearm ready for your defense, or back out. You can also be completely blindsided by an animal that you did not realize it was there. When attacked, you will be hurt and will need to either heal yourself with a First Aid Kit or fast travel to a tent or lodge.

The Polar Bear is among the most aggressive animals in the game. Running up to it will only in few cases scare it away. In most cases the bear will attack you. It attacks from further away than the other bear species. The attacking pose is obvious and the growling loud enough not to oversee and overhear.

Shooting the animal
The Polar Bear is not hard to hit as it rarely spooks but mostly walks and stands sill. You can almost walk up to it, just beware from being overrun. Make sure to bring the largest caliber rifle from your gun rack though. Even with a powerful rifle or a muzzleloader you still need to place the shot well. A good spot to aim for is the area above and a bit in front of the front leg. In theory all permitted weapons can be used with ease, however some of them will not kill a Polar Bear in one shot.

If a missed bear runs away, most of the times it will return to walking and you can easily catch up. If you hit it badly however it will continue fleeing at top speed, and even running will not let you catch up. At this point the Polar Bear proves its fine senses and can become one of the trickiest animals to follow. You will see it spook from far out time and time again. It is then advisable to crouch after it and continuously spot the area. Unlike in other reserves and with other species, you should keep going after it pretty soon as the tracks in Whiterime Ridge ridge have a shorter life span than in smaller reserves, lest you lose the trail.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Danforth's Refuge Whiterime Ridge North-east

Video Guide


Brown Bear

Brown bear male common
Trophy brownbear

Trophy Brown Bear from Brusian scoring 28.858

Not everything is bigger in America! The massive Brown Bear in some of the European based maps exceeds its American based black peer by far in size and weight. It can get as heavy as 482kg and thus reach almost the weight of a Roosevelt Elk. Despite its impressive size, the Brown is rather shy though. In order to hunt it in the field you need a good camo, a good weapon and a bit of experience. While it mainly inhabits the western parts of the winter map Hemmeldal, it roams the entire river area of Val-des-Bois. Often times even an inexperienced hunter can enjoy a long distance kill shot on one of these omnivores, at least as long as they brought a big caliber gun.

All Brown Bears travel alone. You might spot several of them at once, but this will be due to some areas being very fertile soil for the spawning of these bears. You will also see accumulations near feeders, but they all came alone to the party and will leave again without company.

The Brown Bear has a decent eyesight. Consider using Sneaky 3D Summer Camo or Winter Camoclothes to reduce your visibility. Sneaky 3D camo clothes provide no scent or sound reduction though. Brown Bears have good senses for hearing and especially smelling. Consider additional protection with Scent Eliminator. Also use Face Paint or a Ghillie Suit, but remember the loudness of this suit and reduce your movements to a minimum.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Note that the smelling ability is the strongest of the Brown Bear's senses, so be extra careful around nearby bears.

The relation between weigh and score is rather strong. The very most of the top scoring Brown Bears are +420kg. Follow tracks of heavy males. The Brown Bear has a relatively high roaming speed. When you follow it you can catch up as long as you walk. When you get within reach of the bear you will naturally crouch. The problem is that the bear has almost the same speed for roaming as you have for crouching. In addition if the bear makes a turn you lose time searching for the next track. The result is that you can barely get any closer anymore and get frustrated. The circle on the Huntermate just doesn't get any smaller and the bear ahead of you just keeps going.

The solution is that you break this pattern by intentionally spooking the bear. At first it will run and gain some ground again, but then it will stop and stand around a lot. During this time you can finally catch up even while crouching. After some fleeing tracks you will find roaming tracks that show that the bear is now very close of you. Glass around a lot and try to find the bear, and keep crouching after it. In fact you will get so close that you might repeatedly spook it again, but that is not a problem. Just keep going after it, the bear won't go back to its crazy cruising speed if you keep it busy and don't let it fully calm down. Using this method you can get the bear within reach even for safe bow shots.

Note that the Brown Bear has a distinct walking sound that you can hear within about 30m (100 ft). If you can hear this sound behind a hill, lay flat and listen. Unless it is a Moose (at Hemmeldal) which has the very same walking sound, you have come really close to a Brown Bear and should be ready for a shot or for a run.

There is no caller or scent spray available for the Brown Bear.

This animal can be lured with Bait, i.e. food that is presented to the animal in appropriate containers. The baiting stations have two effects. They increase the number of spawnings of the attracted species in the area, and they attract those animals that come within the attraction radius of the container. Baiting is used by many players to accumulate great numbers of animals around the stations. Consider this very effective method if you enjoy hunting the species in question. Hunting your feeders can be nicely supported by using stands. Place yourself in a stand and shoot any number of baited animals near the feeder. Others will scatter and run away, only to return some time later. The attractiveness of the feeder will stay at 100% for the duration of the hunting session. You can harvest a great number of animals if you spend a few hours at your baiting station.

Field Judging
After you have been watching them for a while you should be able to tell a heavy Brown Bear from a light one. However the score is calculated from the dimensions of the skull. It is not possible to tell a larger skull from a smaller one. It is advisable to shoot all heavy bears and spare the smaller ones in case you want stay undetected.

This species is one of those that can attack you. This happens if you shoot at it or when you got really close to it. The animal will start an aggression animation and look fiercely at you. It can also makes growls that you wouldn't normally hear. If you see the animal doing this you have a chance to run away or get ready for a shot. Sometimes the animal will abort the attack and flee. It can also happen that an animal will start fleeing but then stop and turn around for an attack. If you are very close to a species capable of attacking, have a firearm ready for your defense, or back out. You can also be completely blindsided by an animal that you did not realize it was there. When attacked, you will be hurt and will need to either heal yourself with a First Aid Kit or fast travel to a tent or lodge.

Shooting the animal
The Brown Bear is not easy to kill in the field. Make sure to bring the largest caliber rifle from your gun rack. Even with a powerful rifle or a muzzleloader you still need to place the shot well. Vital organs are hard to reach when the bear is +150m (~500 ft) away from you. A good spot is right behind the front leg. Wait for the animal to make a step forward with the front leg, then shoot the spot that is now uncovered. This takes some practice though. Avoid risky shots to the head, or snap shots on a walking bear. Taking a few more seconds for a safe shot will pay off manifold if you want to avoid a long tracking of a wounded bear.

Getting very close for a bow shot is tough. Consider a shot over 40-50m (~130-165 ft) if you get a chance, as many times it will be the only one you have in a long time before the bear walks off or spooks. An arrow will always kill the bear sooner or later when you hit.

Naturally shooting Brown Bears near a bait barrel is utterly easy in comparison, especially when supported by a suitable stand.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Following spooked Brown Bears is one of the hardest challenges in the game. They encounter you from far away, now even more when they are in nervous state. It is essential to constantly glass the area. If you crouch after a high scoring bear and finally find a roaming track after many fleeing tracks, you have likely come too close already and spooked it again.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Koppartorp Hemmeldal West
Drängstorp Hemmeldal West
Chalet du Mont-Bleu Val-des-Bois East

Video Guide


Black Bear

Black bear male common
Trophy blackbear

Trophy Black Bear (Chocolate variant) from Arcrid scoring 23.898

If you enjoy hunting Black Bears you are best off roaming the northern most parts of Redfeather Falls. There is an abundance of them, sharing the environment with Blacktail Deer and the occasional Moose and Elk. The Black Bear is not easy to follow and can be a good training partner to sharpen your tracking and hunting senses. The variation of five different fur types adds to the enjoyment of Black Bear hunting.

All Black Bears travel alone. You might spot several of them at once, but this will be due to some areas being very fertile soil for the spawning of these bears. You will also see accumulations near feeders, but they all came alone to the party and will leave again without company.

The Black Bear has a decent eyesight. Consider using Sneaky 3D Summer Camo clothes to reduce your visibility. Sneaky 3D camo clothes provide no scent or sound reduction though. Black Bears have very good senses for hearing and especially smelling. Consider additional protection with Scent Eliminator. Also use Face Paint or a Ghillie Suit, but remember the loudness of this suit and reduce your movements to a minimum.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Note that the smelling ability is the strongest of the Black Bear's senses, so be extra careful around nearby bears.

The relation between weigh and score is rather strong. The very most of the top scoring Black Bears are +240kg. Follow tracks of heavy males and glass often. Especially the common (black) variant is somewhat hard to see in the woods. Others like the blonde variation however stick out like a sore thumb. Check the river and sea shores for them. If you see a dark object that looks like a rock but is moving, it might be a Black Bear.

Note that the Black Bear has a distinct walking sound similar to the Brown Bear that you can hear within about 30m (100 ft). If you can hear this sound behind a hill, lay flat and listen. You have come really close to a Black Bear and should be ready for a shot or for a run.

There is no caller or scent spray available for the Black Bear.

This animal can be lured with Bait, i.e. food that is presented to the animal in appropriate containers. The baiting stations have two effects. They increase the number of spawnings of the attracted species in the area, and they attract those animals that come within the attraction radius of the container. Baiting is used by many players to accumulate great numbers of animals around the stations. Consider this very effective method if you enjoy hunting the species in question. Hunting your feeders can be nicely supported by using stands. Place yourself in a stand and shoot any number of baited animals near the feeder. Others will scatter and run away, only to return some time later. The attractiveness of the feeder will stay at 100% for the duration of the hunting session. You can harvest a great number of animals if you spend a few hours at your baiting station.

Field Judging
After you have been watching them for a while you should be able to tell a heavy Black Bear from a light one. However the score is calculated from the dimensions of the skull. It is not possible to tell a larger skull from a smaller one. It is advisable to shoot all heavy bears and spare the smaller ones in case you want stay undetected.

This species is one of those that can attack you. This happens if you shoot at it or when you got really close to it. The animal will start an aggression animation and look fiercely at you. It can also makes growls that you wouldn't normally hear. If you see the animal doing this you have a chance to run away or get ready for a shot. Sometimes the animal will abort the attack and flee. It can also happen that an animal will start fleeing but then stop and turn around for an attack. If you are very close to a species capable of attacking, have a firearm ready for your defense, or back out. You can also be completely blindsided by an animal that you did not realize it was there. When attacked, you will be hurt and will need to either heal yourself with a First Aid Kit or fast travel to a tent or lodge.

Shooting the animal
Make sure to bring a large caliber rifle when you fancy shooting Black Bears in the field. Even with a powerful rifle or a muzzleloader you still need to place the shot well. Vital organs are hard to reach when the bear is +180m (~600 ft) away from you. A good spot is right behind the front leg. Wait for the animal to make a step forward with the front leg, then shoot the spot that is now uncovered. This takes some practice though. Avoid risky shots to the head, or snap shots on a walking bear. Taking a few more seconds for a safe shot will pay off manifold if you want to avoid a long tracking of a wounded bear.

Getting very close for a bow shot is tough. Consider a shot over 40-50m (~130-165 ft) if you get a chance, as many times it will be the only one you have in a long time before the bear walks off or spooks. An arrow will always kill the bear sooner or later when you hit.

Naturally shooting Black Bears near a bait barrel is utterly easy in comparison, especially when supported by a suitable stand.

There is one tactic for shooting Black Bears that only exists for this species. Maybe a game design flaw, it is actually possible to catch up and keep up with a running bear. Some players take advantage of this for bow shooting the Black Bears. This video explains the tactics.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Following spooked Black Bears is a tough challenge. They encounter you from far away, now even more when they are in nervous state. It is essential to constantly glass the area. If you crouch after a high scoring bear and finally find a roaming track after many fleeing tracks, you have likely come too close already and spooked it again.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Trapper's Rest Redfeather Falls North
Whispering Woods Rougarou Bayou Southeast

Video Guide


Wild Boar

Wild boar male common
Trophy wildboar

Trophy Wild Boar from Hawkeman scoring 1270.280

If you have a tent to spare, place it in the northern most tip of Hirschfelden to start your Wild Boar hunting sessions. Many tips in the Hunting Tactics section will send you to places where you can find your animal of desire a bit more exclusively, but the stating position at this tent is different. You will surely find the Wild Boars, but you will also see many Roe Deer, Pheasants and Foxes there which makes it a very busy place. Because some Wild Boar sounders (groups) can get quite big, the change for hearing a call from them is rather high. You will also find many tracks that may lead you away from the open fields into thick autumn-colored vegetation. Once there, you will know if you have built up some stalking skills if you can deal with a bunch of pigs trotting ostensibly disorganized through the woodwork.

Wild Boars spawn as singles in rare cases or in mixed groups of up to seven hogs. Similar to the Feral Hogs, a common pattern is two males and three females and a sounder.

The Wild Boar's senses are average compared to some other animals. The boars are more aware than the deer species though. Consider using Sneaky 3D Fall Camo clothes to reduce your visibility. Sneaky 3D camo clothes provide no scent or sound reduction though. In an area with a lot of Wild Boar activity such as the northern parts of Hirschfelden you may also use a Ghillie Suit, but you will likely be more successful roaming and scanning the open fields of this reserve.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

The smelling sense is the Wild Boar's most developed one and is even stronger than that of the Feral Hog of the same family. Pay extra attention to the according protection and the wind.

The scores of Wild Boars and Feral Hogs are based on their weight and their tusk sizes. Both values are added to make the total score. If the weight part of the score is bigger, then the final score gets a "W" added. If the tusk part is bigger, the final score gets a "T" added. The weight to score relation is rather high. The heaviest boars usually have the most impressive tusks. Follow tracks of heavy males, ideally heavier than 210kg. The maximum weight is 240kg for males.

Following a big scoring boar or a sounder with many pigs in the thick vegetation of Hirschfelden can be a really good test for your stalking, spotting and shooting skills. The darkish Wild Boars seem to roam the land totally unorganized at times. They alternatively walk and trot and can be far and apart one minute and back close together the next. The Wild Boars have a special feeding (or "rooting") track like their smaller family pears, tracks that you will not see for any other species. When the boars dig for roots preferably in the early mornings or late evenings they leave a patch of dirt on the ground. Be careful when you find these tracks, you don't know how much time they have spent there and how much this has slowed them down. In the thick woods you will also find yourself running into sleeping Wild Boars or groups thereof. Their hearing is not as good as their smelling sense and your heart will jump when suddenly they get up and run right next to you. Or if they feel cornered and attack, often times out of nowhere.

Use the Hog Caller or the Hog Scent Spray for luring single or multiple animals towards you. The luring effect of the caller lasts quite long, but at the same the Wild Boar tends to approach you very slowly. If there is a group many times only one or two animals are on the move. The others will stand around a bit before making the next step. They can come really close and you have to be careful not to be attacked. The walk towards you is fairly straight. You can easily plan and execute an ambush on the Wild Boars from a stand or an elevated ambushing position. The behavior that you learn around Wild Boars can be easily applied with the Feral Hogs and vice versa.

This animal can be lured with Bait, i.e. food that is presented to the animal in appropriate containers. The baiting stations have two effects. They increase the number of spawnings of the attracted species in the area, and they attract those animals that come within the attraction radius of the container. Baiting is used by many players to accumulate great numbers of animals around the stations. Consider this very effective method if you enjoy hunting the species in question. Hunting your feeders can be nicely supported by using stands. Place yourself in a stand and shoot any number of baited animals near the feeder. Others will scatter and run away, only to return some time later. The attractiveness of the feeder will stay at 100% for the duration of the hunting session. You can harvest a great number of animals if you spend a few hours at your baiting station.

Field Judging
When you have multiple Wild Boar males especially around feeders, a high Spotting Skill is very helpful. If you are just building up this skill, look out for males with big tusks when you are close. From further away it might be a bit more difficult to judge the tusks when a boar is not facing you or moving through vegetation. You may then look at the body size. Often times you will find a lot of males and females around a well performing baiting station, but only one or two will be "monster size" boars in the most cases. If you are not sure which of all the present males will score best, take out these big ones first.

This species is one of those that can attack you. This happens if you shoot at it or when you got really close to it. The animal will start an aggression animation and look fiercely at you. It can also makes growls that you wouldn't normally hear. If you see the animal doing this you have a chance to run away or get ready for a shot. Sometimes the animal will abort the attack and flee. It can also happen that an animal will start fleeing but then stop and turn around for an attack. If you are very close to a species capable of attacking, have a firearm ready for your defense, or back out. You can also be completely blindsided by an animal that you did not realize it was there. When attacked, you will be hurt and will need to either heal yourself with a First Aid Kit or fast travel to a tent or lodge.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

The pig species in the game have a fat shield that heavier (older) males build up by fighting each other. This raises the penetration threshold slightly for organs that are protected by the shield. This promotes a tactical choice of shooting distance and caliber, depending on the size of the target. The fat shield requires the hunter to plan the shot. Bring your strongest rifle. Avoid random shots from further away, or to the backside of these pigs, or you will need to search them for a long time. Often times you cannot even wound them enough to kill them with one bullet if the shot was placed badly. For heart shots you need to aim slightly behind the front leg, as opposed to other animals that have their heart more centered above the leg.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Following a spooked Wild Boar is hard, even more so if it scores high. These males can encounter you from far away. It is essential to constantly glass the area. If you finally find a roaming track after many fleeing tracks, you have likely come too close already and spooked it again. Pay attention to the rivers or shores of Hirschfelden where they will turn around and detect you even sooner.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Rittersteinhütte Hirschfelden North
Müllerwaldhütte Hirschfelden West

Video Guide


Feral Hog

Feral hog male common
Trophy feral

Trophy Feral Hog boar from MCZERNNIK scoring 1202.782

You can find many groups of Feral Hogs scattered over the maps of Logger's Point and Settler Creeks. Their vivid movements seems to spread them wide and it is hard to pinpoint a hot spot in these reserves. In Rougarou Bayou it seems a lot easier to find many of them quickly if you are specifically after these pigs. The more south you are, the more dominant they will be. No other animal will compete for your attention there except the seemingly omnipresent Whitetail Deer.

Feral Hogs travel alone or in mixed groups of up to five animals. A very common constellation is two males and three females.

The Feral Hog's senses are average compared to some other animals. The ferals are more aware than the deer species though. Consider using Sneaky 3D Summer Camo clothes to reduce your visibility. Sneaky 3D camo clothes provide no scent or sound reduction though. In an area with a lot of Feral Hog activity such as the southern parts of Rougarou Bayou you may also use a Ghillie Suit. Many pigs will enter your influence radius where you can lure them towards you if you see or hear them.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

The smelling sense is the Feral Hog's most developed one, so pay extra attention to the according protection and the wind.

You will find hunting Feral Hogs rather easy as long as you call any group that you locate, but once you start tracking them they can be a good test for your stalking skills. Often times you think you are still far away from them based on the track information given to you by the Huntermate, but then realize they have been sleeping or feeding and are actually very close to you, or they have changed their roaming direction. The Feral Hog and the Wild Boar have a special feeding (or "rooting") track that you will not see for other animals. When these pigs dig for roots they leave a large patch of nuzzled up dirt. This happens for example in the early mornings. Be careful when you find these tracks, you don't know how much time they have spent there.

The scores of Feral Hogs and Wild Boars are based on their weight and their tusk sizes. Both values are added to make the total score. If the weight part of the score is bigger, then the final score gets a "W" added. If the tusk part is bigger, the final score gets a "T" added. The weight to score relation is rather high. The heaviest boars usually have the most impressive tusks. Follow tracks of heavy males, ideally heavier than 190kg. The maximum weight is 204kg for males.

Use the Hog Caller or the Hog Scent Spray for luring single or multiple hogs towards you. The luring effect of the caller lasts quite long, but at the same the Feral Hogs tend to approach you very slowly. If there is a group, many times only one or two animals are on the move. The others will stand around a bit before making the next step. Be careful when they are very close or you could be attacked, see Aggression below. Their walk towards you is fairly straight. You can easily plan and execute an ambush on the hogs from a stand or an elevated position with an open line of sight. The behavior that you learn around Feral Hogs can be easily applied on the Wild Boars and vice versa.

This animal can be lured with Bait, i.e. food that is presented to the animal in appropriate containers. The baiting stations have two effects. They increase the number of spawnings of the attracted species in the area, and they attract those animals that come within the attraction radius of the container. Baiting is used by many players to accumulate great numbers of animals around the stations. Consider this very effective method if you enjoy hunting the species in question. Hunting your feeders can be nicely supported by using stands. Place yourself in a stand and shoot any number of baited animals near the feeder. Others will scatter and run away, only to return some time later. The attractiveness of the feeder will stay at 100% for the duration of the hunting session. You can harvest a great number of animals if you spend a few hours at your baiting station.

Field Judging
When you have multiple Feral Hog males especially around feeders, a high Spotting Skill is of course very helpful. If you are just building up this skill, look out for males with big tusks when you are close. From further away it might be a bit more difficult to judge the tusks when the hog is not facing you or moving through vegetation. You may then look at the body size. Often times you will find a lot of males and females around a well performing baiting station, but only one or two will be "monster size" males in the most cases. If you are not sure which of all the present hogs will score best, take out these big ones first.

This species is one of those that can attack you. This happens if you shoot at it or when you got really close to it. The animal will start an aggression animation and look fiercely at you. It can also makes growls that you wouldn't normally hear. If you see the animal doing this you have a chance to run away or get ready for a shot. Sometimes the animal will abort the attack and flee. It can also happen that an animal will start fleeing but then stop and turn around for an attack. If you are very close to a species capable of attacking, have a firearm ready for your defense, or back out. You can also be completely blindsided by an animal that you did not realize it was there. When attacked, you will be hurt and will need to either heal yourself with a First Aid Kit or fast travel to a tent or lodge.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

The pig species in the game have a fat shield that heavier (older) males build up by fighting each other. This raises the penetration threshold slightly for organs that are protected by the shield. It promotes a tactical choice of shooting distance and caliber, depending on the size of the target. The Feral Hog is not very large, but this shield requires the hunter to plan the shot. Bring your strongest rifle. A good weapon is the fast reloading .30-06 Lever Action Rifle, especially near a feeder. You can keep shooting with this rifle while keeping sight on them. For heart shots you need to aim slightly behind the front leg, as opposed to other animals that have their heart more centered above the leg.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Border Lodge Logger's Point West
Highland Settler Creeks North
L'île du Canard Noir Rougarou Bayou South or Southwest
Walkabout Creek Bushrangers Run South, east or north

Video Guide



Coyote male common
Trophy coyote

Trophy Coyote from Altering scoring 59.386

The Coyote is one of the early animals of the game. It appears very large compared to the real animal, yet that doesn't reduce the fun hunting them. The southern island of Whitehart Island is an ideal spot. Start at the Southcliff Lodge and walk north. Plenty of Whitetails and some Elks will not be able to hide the elusive Coyotes from you. When this animal was initially introduced in the game, there was no caller available. The addition of a caller later on has made the hunt much easier. Nevertheless a few things are good to know before hitting the woods in the pursuit of finding the big dog.

Coyotes can spawn alone in some cases. Mostly they travel in mixed groups of any number up to eight. There are usually more females than males in these groups. Often times when you find a single coyote, it might have been separated from its band through spooking or getting stuck in a solid object.

The Coyote has a good eyesight and can see you from far. You may consider using Sneaky 3D Summer Camo clothes to reduce your visibility. Sneaky 3D camo clothes provide no scent or sound reduction though. Coyotes have very good senses for hearing and especially smelling. Consider additional protection with Scent Eliminator. Also use Face Paint or a Ghillie Suit, but remember the loudness of this suit and reduce your movements to a minimum.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Coyotes have among the best smelling abilities in the game. When around coyotes you should always apply scent eliminator even if not necessarily upwind. The situation and track path can change quickly before you find yourself ending up in the wind upstream of the animal(s) you are tracking.

The score of the coyote is its weight. Carefully follow tracks of a "band" (or "pack") that includes heavy males. If you Tracking Skill is not high enough yet to judge the animal weights, follow all groups. Most bands will have a good size dog in them. The skill will build up quickly when tracking entire packs. Glass ahead often when the Huntermate tells you that you have come close. Due to its bright fur coyotes can be seen a bit better then the other animals. Many times when you come in reach you will get a call from one of the coyotes in the group. The chance that the next call is from an coyote in the tracked group increases with every additional animal in the group. If you walk or run into fleeing tracks and the estimation predicts a high weight, take the time to stalk that dog.

Once you are aware of coyotes in the area, use the Predator "Jackrabbit" Caller to lure them to you. They tend to come in a straight line to your call, one after the other. Move backwards and lay down so they cannot detect you. It will not take very long until they arrive, so don't waste any time in the calling location. Coyotes trot to the call. When they arrive, they circle the spot you called from. In that process, one or several of the coyotes can come closer to you than you expected before returning to where they are supposed to end up. Make sure to back up at least 30-35m if you can. If you keep this distance, you can maneuver with your weapons and also get up from a prone position for a bow shot without being detected. Once you are up, don't waste too much time for the shot. Don't rush the shot, but be quick. It can take some practice until you have a good feeling for what is a safe distance for staying undetected while still being able to place a deadly shot.

Field Judging
If your Spotting Skill for this species is high enough, you will get a weight and score estimation. Always check out as many as you can, but don't waste too much time doing this. Check out the visually largest dogs, and then shoot the one with the highest score estimation in the pack.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

Remember the 30-35m safety distance. A band of coyotes can build a very tight cluster around the calling location, so it is not always easy to hit the correct coyote, especially if you need to identify them one by one. If you cannot get information on all of them, shoot the one animal that appears the largest. You may also consider using Buckshot ammo and hit multiple coyotes at once when they pile up in front of you.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

A spooked single Coyote or a band thereof won't run that far. Coyotes are less scary than the Red Foxes and following them is a bit easier. The safest method to regain a lost dog is to wait a while, then slowly follow and hope for a call from it. You can then know it has calmed down again and can be lured back to you. Be aware though that low scoring animals such as females might be closer to you than the big dog you are tracking down, and they could see you again and cause another flush wave. Glassing around is therefore important also in this case. Also if you call an animal back to you after it has returned to normal state, be aware that now many of the previously scattered coyotes will also come in stages back at you. Use a bow to eliminate them one by one, or try to hide until the one of your desire shows up. Coyotes that have arrived sooner at the calling location bear a risk of detecting you so keep a safe distance.

Community Guide

Check out this guide from Flanker305.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Southcliff Whitehart Island North
Field Lodge Logger's Point East

Video Guide


Red Fox

Red fox male common
Trophy redfox

Trophy Red Fox from WEST_36_RUS scoring 33.797

When you see an orange spot sneak through tall grass or underwood, you might be spotting a Red Fox. This sneaky small animal a very aware of its surroundings and not easy to track down, which increases your satisfaction when finding a big dog. Some fur variations like the Cross or Gray add a bit to the challenge, because these can hardly be seen anymore as opposed to their Common peers. If you are lucky you might spot and even kill a rare albino or melanistic. You don't see very many of these apparently super rare animals reported in the public communities such as the game forum.

Several foxes can spawn in the same area, however there is no group behavior. All foxes roam the areas on their own.

The red fox has a very good eyesight and will detect slightest movements from far. Consider using the Sneaky 3D camo clothes for the area you are in to reduce your visibility. Val-des-Bois requires the summer camo version. Hirschfelden requires the fall camo version. Hemmeldal requires the winter camo version. Sneaky 3D camo clothes provide no scent or sound reduction though. Foxes also have very good senses for smelling and hearing. Consider additional protection such as Face Paint or a Ghillie Suit, but remember the loudness of this suit and reduce your movements to a minimum.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

The score of the red fox is the weight. Carefully follow tracks of heavy males. Glass ahead often when the Huntermate tells you that you have come close. The bright fur of the Common variant can be seen quite well. Many times when you come in reach you will get a call from the fox. Even if you walk or run into fleeing tracks, when the estimation predicts a high weight, take the time to stalk that fox.

Use the Predator "Jackrabbit" Caller to lure the fox to you. Many times foxes do not come in a straight line to your call. Move backwards and lay down so they cannot detect you. It can take a very long time until the fox arrives. Sometimes it even calls before it gets to the calling position. Do not change your plan in that moment. Keep waiting, it will come. It can trot or walk to the call. When it arrives, it circles the spot you called from. In that process the fox can come closer to you than you expected before returning to where it is supposed to end up. Make sure to back up at least 30-35m if you can. If you keep this distance, you can also maneuver with your weapons and also get up from a prone position for a bow shot without being detected. Once you are up, don't waste too much time for the shot. Don't rush the shot, but be quick. It can take some practice until you have a good feeling for what is a safe distance for staying undetected while still being able to place a deadly shot.

Field Judging
It is possible to tell large foxes from small ones, but not easy. Behave as if every single fox you find might be a trophy. Even females can get high scores as they are not much lighter than males.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

A spooked fox is even more aware of you than it was already when in calm state. Immediately following all tracks will usually result in the red fox run again, and you will only find alternating fleeing and roaming tracks, but never the animal. After a few fleeing tracks, wait and spot. Again the bright orange color of the Common variant might give away its position. When you have a small circle on the Huntermate, you have likely come too close already and the fox will be gone. The safest method for winning this game is to wait a while, then slowly follow and hope for a call from it. You can then know it has calmed down again and can be lured back to you.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Rittersteinhütte Hirschfelden Southwest
Kopparstorp Hemmeldal Southwest
Drängstorp Hemmeldal North
Maison du Néant Val-des-Bois Northeast
Copper Hills Bushrangers Run East

Video Guide


Arctic Fox

Arctic fox male common
Trophy arctic fox

Trophy Arctic Fox from majorstymie scoring 17.472

The Arctic Fox is a small but beautiful animal featuring a realistic looking fur, as opposed to the slightly larger Red Fox. It roams vast areas of the Whiterime Ridge reserve and is only really missing in the south. A natural protection of small animals is the high awareness of their environments, and the Arctic Fox does not stand back in this regard. Small foxes can be as heavy, or light, as large rabbits, and you need to plan your ambushes well. The Arctic Fox also blends nicely with the snowy backgrounds and you might oversee them walking around. However, they will in most cases see you before you see them.

There is no group behavior. All foxes roam the areas on their own.

You can hunt in Whiterime with the free Basic Arctic Outfit, but this will a more difficult adventure than if you hunt them with the Arctic camo clothes. Not only walking around and stalking them will be hard, but also when you call them in. With the Basic Outfit you will have to rely on longer shots. Bow hunting the small creatures will also be a challenge unless you are up in a Tree Stand or in a Ground Blind.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

The weight of the Arctic Fox determines its score. Carefully follow tracks of heavy males. Glass ahead often when the Huntermate tells you that you have come close. Interestingly, if they are far away, they will appear as dark dots on the white background, and you might spot one from a great distance. If they are closer and you cannot clearly determine if you are looking at a fox, look for cold breath. Many times when you come in reach you will get a call from the fox. Even if you walk or run into fleeing tracks, when the estimation predicts a high weight, take the time to stalk that fox.

Use the Predator "Jackrabbit" Caller to lure the fox to you. Many times foxes do not come in a straight line to your call. Move out of the wind and lay down so they cannot detect you. It can take a very long time until the fox arrives. It can trot or walk to the call. When it arrives, it circles the spot you called from. In that process the fox can come closer to you than you expected before returning to the calling location. Make sure to back up at least 32m (105ft) if you can. If you keep this distance, you can maneuver with your weapons and also get up from a prone position for a bow shot without being detected too soon. Once you are up, don't waste time for the shot. Don't rush the shot, but be quick. It can take some practice until you have a good feeling for what is a safe distance for staying undetected while still being able to place a deadly shot. Always be aware of multiple foxes being in the area. When calling, wait a while after "your" fox has arrived, there might be more coming.

Field Judging
It is possible to tell large foxes from small ones. Females can also get nice scores as they are not much lighter than males, but for competitions always go after males.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off.

A spooked arctic fox is even more aware of you than it was already when in calm state. Immediately following all tracks might result in another fleeing. After a few fleeing tracks, wait and spot. Look for movements and cold breath, and listen for "barking" and walking sounds. When you have a small circle on the Huntermate, you have come too close and the fox will be on the run again. The safest method for winning this game is to wait a while, then slowly follow and hope for a call from it. You can then know it has calmed down again and can be lured back to you.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Danforth's Lodge Whiterime Ridge any direction


Turkey male common
Trophy turkey

Trophy Turkey tom from cuzziwuzzicowboy scoring 70.726

If you like turkey hunting, every gobble or clucking in the woods raises your hopes. If you don't like these black feather balls, the calls will only be disturbing. Turkeys are a very vocal kind. Every hunter should give turkey hunting a chance. They present a unique experience in many ways. Once you pick up a tom with a long beard and a score close to 70 points, your heart will pound just as much as if you were positioning a nice rack from a trophy deer for the picture.

Turkey toms travel alone, in male groups of up to five, or in mixed groups of up to eight birds. Females can spawn in groups of up to five of them, but many times will be part of a mixed group. If you find a single hen, it was probably separated from a group through spooking or getting stuck in the environment. A group of up to five toms naturally increases your chances for finding a nice score. These flocks need to be handled with the utmost care, especially when following them with the aim to catching up and calling them in to you.

The turkey has a very good eyesight and will detect you walking around. Consider using Sneaky 3D Summer Camo to reduce your visibility. Sneaky 3D camo clothes provide no scent or sound reduction though. Turkeys have no sense of smelling, which means that scent reduction is not a factor when hunting them. You may also consider items that provide protection independent of the environment you are in, such as Face Paint, a Cowboy Hat or a Flat Cap.

Only the turkey males have a score. The weight to score relation is not very strong. Heavy birds can score low and mid size turkeys can score very high. When you detect turkey tracks, follow them if some belong to males. Try to catch up with them by walking. You can in most cases safely walk until you have a solid circle on the Huntermate. From there crouch forward until you find a good spot to lure them towards you. Males and females have a different call, and both genders are very vocal. An easy way for finding turkeys is to simply walk around until you hear a call from them.

Turkey hunting is supported by a number of devices. The Turkey Locator Caller to detect male turkeys. They will respond in a fair amount of times, but not always. The locator can be used to find new flocks, but also to keep track of how close they have come to you when luring them with the Turkey Box Caller. The box caller has a long effect on the turkeys and they keep strolling rather quick towards you. Make sure to keep enough distance to an approaching bird, or even more if there is an entire flock. The gobblers won't come in a straight line to you, many times they build a front and you need to be very careful to keep all birds in view. Once one of them detects you it will stand still and stare at you, and in most cases run away unless you can crawl behind a nearby solid object. Running or flying turkeys are the cause for many animal spookings that the player cannot explain. The rather small animal cannot be heard when it runs except from very close.

With the addition of the Turkey Decoy you have another possibility for attracting the gobblers. They will however not detect the decoys from very far and you still need to bring them into eyesight reach before they stroll towards the dummies. The decoys will keep the turkeys interested for a short while only.

Field Judging
Even though the weight is part of the score, the length of the beard is a much stronger argument. Always shoot the bird out of a flock that has the visually longest beard. In case you are in doubt which beard is the longest, and for some reason don't think you can shoot multiples of them, pick the heaviest bird. A third factor in the scoring are the spurs on their legs just above the feet. These however cannot be seen and play no role in your judging for which bird might be the best. Some turkey have a double beard. In an earlier version of the game, both of these counted and made for a really good score. Nowadays only the longer of the two counts. Doubled bearded birds never score high, so better ignore them.

Turkeys have no sense of smelling. Scent Eliminator will not make a difference so don't waste any on them. Their eyesight however is as sharp as that of Pheasants, and they will detect you from far. The same goes for hearing, which is again exceptionally good.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

It is best to shoot turkey in the head or neck. This will always lead to an instant kill. Otherwise if you hit they can run a few meters before dying, which can cause a flushing effect on bystanders of any species. Turkeys can survive long range shots unless you hit it with a .223 Rifle.

An experienced hunter can take out many turkeys, sometimes even multiple flocks at once, if shooting them one by one with a bow. The Parker Python bow with its Rangefinder Bow Sight is the ideal silent weapon against the turkeys. You may also use other bows, but they are all louder and harder to shoot. The silence of the Parker can be an important factor when detecting a turkey that has come closer than 20m and you need to quickly take it out before the others can see you. Make sure to keep the flock at a distance (25-30m) and check left and right of their last known position, as they can go unusual paths to approach you. If you keep shooting the closest, you reduce the risk of the entire flock being flushed by a nearby hen or tom that you didn't know of.

After shooting a turkey, use the Box Caller again to keep them on the move to you. Even if you think you are done, stay silent and alert for a while and keep looking for more company from them. You may also use the Locator Caller to check if there is a male close by.

If you use Turkey Decoys note that they will keep the turkeys interested for a short while only. Shoot as many as you can within that time.

If the animal flees
Spooked turkeys almost always run in a straight way forward unless blocked by solid objects or shores. Many times they take off and fly a certain distance. If you follow it and can't find the next fleeing track right away, keep following the last known track, exactly in the middle of the cone on the Huntermate, and you will likely find the next track. You can also listen for wing flapping that the turkey will start once calmed down. If you cannot find spooked birds or simply if you want to do it the easy way, keep sounding the Box Caller. This takes a bit longer, but many times they will return while announcing it with calls. The turkeys do not leave the rendering range when they spook. If you spook a Turkey, you can even stay where you are. At some point it will react to your calling and come back.

Shotguns with Birdshot are the most commonly used weapons for hunting turkeys. Birds on the ground can be shot with Bows and help you practice bow shooting. Shooting them airborne however takes a lot of practice. You can easily take out close-by turkeys with the .22 Pistol. Unless you hit head or neck which is hard, they will run a few meters before dying, but not far. For longer ranges one of the available .223 Rifle types can be used.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Causeway Whitehart Island South
Highland Settler Creeks North
Homestead Settler Creeks West, Southwest or South

Video Guide



Pheasant male common
Trophy pheasant

Trophy Pheasant rooster from cocal_hunter scoring 29.402

The challenge of hunting this bird is not the tracking, stalking and ambushing like for so many other animals in the game. Approaching them is relatively easy as you will see below. The real deal is about shooting long-feathered roosters in the air.

Pheasants will always spawn in groups of up to nine birds. If you find single birds, they will be from a flock that was parted by spooking or by getting stuck in terrain or vegetation. Unlike waterfowl, pheasants only fly when spooked. Otherwise they walk across the meadows and fields and you can find them feeding.

The pheasant has a very good eyesight and will detect you walking around. You can consider using Sneaky 3D Summer Camo at Logger's Point or Sneaky 3D Fall Camo at Hirschfelden to reduce your visibility, however hunting the pheasant is not about stalking. Better adjust your clothing to the other animals in the reserve.

The relation between weight and score is quite strong. It is worth increasing your tracking skill for pheasants and following tracks of heavy males. Any track that suggests a weight above 2.6kg can result in a nice big bird.

It is not possible to lure a pheasant towards you. Using the Locator Caller will provoke responses from males. Male pheasants can also cry on their own, which gives away their position. Females do not have a vocal sound.

Field Judging
When spotting them in the field, look for long tail feathers. The spurs are too small to be judged from the bare eye.

The pheasants have no sense of smelling. Scent Eliminator will not make a difference so don't waste any on them. Their eyesight however is as sharp as that of Turkeys, and they will detect you from far. The same goes for hearing, which is again exceptionally good.

Ducking / fleeing behavior
You can either approach a flock crouching, or you can just run to them. If you crouch they will not detect you until you are very close. If you run, they will duck right where they are and stay immobile in an open field. In dense vegetation they will not dodge but run away and fly at the earliest opportunity. Sometimes in open fields you can see females or particularly large males flying away instead of ducking with the rest when scared. Hidden pheasants are not easy to detect in high grass. They are easier to detect from further away where the grass around them is not rendered anymore. If you are very close and cannot see the hidden birds, use a magnification device to scan the grass. If you are looking at a hidden pheasant, a white outline will give away their position. As long as you stay very close to them or are in movement, the pheasants will remain hidden. Use this time to spot all birds to level up your Spotting Skill for this animal, but also to make sure you find the largest bird. Any bird you come too close to during this process, i.e. about 1m / 3ft. will fly away without scaring other birds. Spooked pheasants will alarm and spook other animals though when seen, whether they run or fly.

Shooting the animal
Approach the flock and look at all males and pick the one you feel is the largest. Shooting multiple birds is well possible for an experienced shooter. Use the Whistle key (default: "F") to flush them off the ground. You can also walk or run close, and close-by birds will fly up in the air. Always shoot pheasants in the air. Ground shots will not count for competitions and leaderboards. A pheasant will in most cases rise and fly straight ahead, unless the terrain makes it turn. It is worth paying attention to the direction the bird is facing before you flush it. Make sure it is facing open fields and not forests. In case you miss the shot, you will easier find the bird in open areas. Pheasants cannot fly over rivers. They will turn around, or land and run into a different direction, or land and run over a water crossing. It is not possible to flush pheasants in certain terrains, most noticeably in the forests. A spooked bird will just run, but you can run after it. Keep your shotgun ready for when it eventually takes off.

You can erase an entire flock of pheasants on the ground within a 1-2 minutes with a Bow, the .22 Air Rifle or the .22 Pistol. Observe the birds which all should be ducked. Wait until they get up and start walking. Shoot one and they will all duck again. Wait until they get up again, shoot the next and wait. Repeat this until the entire flock is wiped out. Sometimes a single bird will not play along and flee during this process, just let it go.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off. Spooked pheasants calm down rather quickly. Listen for their call or use the lure to trigger a call. Do not pick up any other tracks when searching a particular pheasant. It should remain your currently tracked animal. When you hear a call, identify it with the HunterMate. If the call is immediately identified, you know that this is your bird. If it says this is the call from another bird and requires your confirmation to switch to the new animal, cancel the identification in order not to lose your current pheasant. If other pheasants keep calling and you cannot find your bird, consider chasing them away or shooting them with a silent weapon. Do not shoot at other animals, or your trophy bird might just fly further away into a direction you have no idea of.

Shotguns with Birdshot are the most commonly used weapons for hunting pheasants. Practice shooting at the Single Rise Clay shooting range at the Causeway Lodge of Whitehart Island or at the Double Rise Clay shooting range at the Field Lodge of Logger's Point. Challenge a friend a see who can hit more clay pigeons.

Birds on the ground can be shot with Bows and help you practice bow shooting. Shooting them airborne however takes a lot of practice. Lead the shot and aim for the head, and you will find yourself succeed sooner.

If you want to shoot pheasants with a pistol, go behind them and flush them. Let them reach a steady gliding before you shoot. Rising birds tend to make unpredictable changes in height, which is a recipe for missing.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Field Lodge Logger's Point East
Müllerwaldhütte Hirschfelden West

Video Guide


Canada Goose

Canada goose male common
Trophy canada goose

Trophy Canada Goose from Terka scoring 8997.145

Hunting waterfowl is quite different in that regard, and the right equipment is more important here than for animals you can track down or lure out of the woods. The Canada Goose is, unlike many other species, not really tracked and spotted. When starting a hunt, some geese can sit on ground near you, but mostly they appear in groups on the sky and are to be lured down so they can be shot. The Canada Goose leaves track on the ground when roaming around, but the tracking skill is not of much benefit as most of these birds will be shot by luring from the sky, not by tracking in the field. As opposed to the Mallard Duck, geese can sleep on the ground.

Field judging
It is not possible to field judge geese. Males and females cannot be differentiated. Heavier birds will be a bit larger, but the difference is not recognizable by the player. Shoot all birds in reach.

Waterfowl spawns outside the map and flies over the reserve. After leaving the reserve, the same birds can reappear again in another flock later on. You may recognize this yourself when you spot a rare bird such as a Black Hybrid Mallard multiple times. Waterfowl flocks are always mixed groups of males and females. Duck flocks can also be a mix of different species, especially as your hunt progresses to an hour or more.

Preparing the hunt
Find an area where you can often see high flying flocks. Birds will only land if the landing target is big enough for them to land on, so you want to position yourself very close to big water places (ducks) or fields (geese). Consider placing a tent right in this area. This way you can start your hunts right where the action happens! Now make your position attractive! Your goal is to get them to break from high flying flocks and land near you. The birds are attracted to Decoys of their kind as well as the callers mimicking their own sounds. Using both at the same time has the best effect. The decoys imitate birds sitting on the water surface or corn field. When you now add their typical sound with the callers, the illusion is perfect for them and they pay you a visit. Set out the decoys a few meters apart from each other. 24 decoys have the best attraction effect. Setting up more in the same area does not increase the attraction of the area any further. Learn more about the mixing of different duck decoys here.

Waterfowl can see your movements from far away. You can lie flat on the ground, or you can consider setting up a Waterfowl Blind. Three people can wait in such a blind for the birds to approach. In the blind, you don't have to lay on the ground but can crouch. The blind nicely protects your movements from being spotted by the approaching birds, but also against other species that might be roaming the area.

Ducks and Geese can spawn on the ground or come flying in groups about 60m up. Scan the skies for incoming flocks. You will hear a quacking or honking of approaching flocks. Once you spot a flock, start calling with the appropriate long range caller. The birds are hard to predict how they will behave when they spot decoys or hear calls. In the worst case an entire flock might just pass without taking notice. However in most cases you will see some birds detaching themselves from the group and starting to glide into your area. They can come flying right to your call, or they can seek a feeding place further away from you.

Some birds might have been successfully lured away from their flock, but they decided to land outside your shotgun range. With the species specific short range caller you can now imitate their feeding sound. This will lure birds to where you are. So combine the callers! The long range caller increases the chance of them breaking off from the large flock and beginning to circle the area where the call originated. However without using the short range caller there is no guarantee that they will fly or land close enough to your location for a shoot. In this case they will choose a random location where there is enough space on water or land. They can land next to you or quite a bit further away. Using the short range caller basically increases the chance of you getting a shot at them.

Difference in luring geese vs. ducks:
In multiplayer mode you can lure more geese when one player uses the Long Range Caller and another uses the Flag Lure. This type of luring effect increase is not possible when hunting ducks.

Shooting Waterfowl
The constant movements of swimming ducks or walking geese can make shots with a bow or crossbow a nice challenge. Shooting birds with bows further out will not spook nearby fellows. The real deal however is to shoot the birds in the air! Whistle with the "Make sound" key (default: F; see Controls) to flush the birds just as you do with the pheasants. You will receive a score for birds shot on the water ("G" score), but only birds shot in the air ("A" score) will count for competitions, leaderboards and missions. So make good use of your shotguns! The constant supply of new flocks will need you to be equipped with plenty of Birdshot ammunition! Shot waterfowl will drop dead to the ground or water surface. In water they might float to the other side of a river or lake, but you should always be able to retrieve them. Consider using a retriever dog for collecting shot birds.

Video Guide



Mallard male common
American black duck male common
Northern pintail male common
Gadwall male common
Trophy mallard

Fantastic Albino Mallard Duck from kitaitoscoring 1596.928

Trophy northern pintail

Trophy Northern Pintail from thibotinscoring 1394.326

Trophy abd

Incredible Albino Am. Black Duck from Coopha
scoring 1599.640

Trophy gadwall

Trophy Gadwall from Rivoiroscoring 1390.559

Ducks are, unlike other species, not really tracked and spotted. When starting a hunt, some ducks can sit on water near your, but mostly they appear in groups on the sky and are to be lured down so they can be shot. Hunting waterfowl is quite different in that regard, and the right equipment is more important here than for animals you can track down or lure out of the woods.

Field judging
Male ducks are larger than female ducks. The drakes differ in color from the hens. It is very hard to field judge the scores of ducks. When the spotting information appears, the duck might be leaving again. Shoot all the males in reach first.

Waterfowl spawns outside the map and flies over the reserve. After leaving the reserve, the same birds can reappear again in another flock later on. You may recognize this yourself when you spot a rare bird such as a Black Hybrid Mallard multiple times. Waterfowl flocks are always mixed groups of males and females. Duck flocks can also be a mix of different species, especially as your hunt progresses to an hour or more.

Preparing the hunt
Find an area where you can often see high flying flocks. Birds will only land if the landing target is big enough for them to land on, so you want to position yourself very close to big water places (ducks) or fields (geese). Consider placing a tent right in this area. This way you can start your hunts right where the action happens! Now make your position attractive! Your goal is to get them to break from high flying flocks and land near you. The birds are attracted to Decoys of their kind as well as the callers mimicking their own sounds. Using both at the same time has the best effect. The decoys imitate birds sitting on the water surface or corn field. When you now add their typical sound with the callers, the illusion is perfect for them and they pay you a visit. Set out the decoys a few meters apart from each other. 24 decoys have the best attraction effect. Setting up more in the same area does not increase the attraction of the area any further. Learn more about the mixing of different duck decoys here.

Waterfowl can see your movements from far away. You can lie flat on the ground, or you can consider setting up a Waterfowl Blind. Three people can wait in such a blind for the birds to approach. In the blind, you don't have to lay on the ground but can crouch. The blind nicely protects your movements from being spotted by the approaching birds, but also against other species that might be roaming the area.

Ducks and Geese can spawn on the ground or come flying in groups about 60m up. Scan the skies for incoming flocks. You will hear a quacking or honking of approaching flocks. Once you spot a flock, start calling with the appropriate long range caller. The birds are hard to predict how they will behave when they spot decoys or hear calls. In the worst case an entire flock might just pass without taking notice. However in most cases you will see some birds detaching themselves from the group and starting to glide into your area. They can come flying right to your call, or they can seek a feeding place further away from you.

Some birds might have been successfully lured away from their flock, but they decided to land outside your shotgun range. With the species specific short range caller you can now imitate their feeding sound. This will lure birds to where you are. So combine the callers! The long range caller increases the chance of them breaking off from the large flock and beginning to circle the area where the call originated. However without using the short range caller there is no guarantee that they will fly or land close enough to your location for a shoot. In this case they will choose a random location where there is enough space on water or land. They can land next to you or quite a bit further away. Using the short range caller basically increases the chance of you getting a shot at them.

Difference in luring geese vs. ducks:
In multiplayer mode you can lure more geese when one player uses the Long Range Caller and another uses the Flag Lure. This type of luring effect increase is not possible when hunting ducks.

Shooting Waterfowl
The constant movements of swimming ducks or walking geese can make shots with a bow or crossbow a nice challenge. Shooting birds with bows further out will not spook nearby fellows. The real deal however is to shoot the birds in the air! Whistle with the "Make sound" key (default: F; see Controls) to flush the birds just as you do with the pheasants. You will receive a score for birds shot on the water ("G" score), but only birds shot in the air ("A" score) will count for competitions, leaderboards and missions. So make good use of your shotguns! The constant supply of new flocks will need you to be equipped with plenty of Birdshot ammunition! Shot waterfowl will drop dead to the ground or water surface. In water they might float to the other side of a river or lake, but you should always be able to retrieve them. Consider using a retriever dog for collecting shot birds.

Video Guide

TheHunter_Let's_Hunt_DUCKS TheHunter_Let's_Hunt_ALL_DUCKS


European Rabbit

European rabbit male common
Trophy eurorabbit

Trophy European Rabbit from Bonaventura scoring 2498.000

With the introduction of the European Rabbit, a new animal behavior was added to the game. Animal building and hiding in burrows. They will be out and about, but will run "home" quickly when danger is near. The burrow systems appear randomly on the according maps and require you to go find them, if you are after the Euro Rabbits, especially when the European Rabbit cannot be heard or detected with the HunterMate, just like its cotton-tailed peer.

Finding them pretty much means finding burrow systems. You can find these system spread over the according maps. Their appearance is random.

There is no attractant for the European Rabbit.

The European Rabbit is very territorial. They stay near to their spawn point, i.e. near their burrow. If another burrow is very close, they will use that to hide in when in danger, but tend to return to their home location. Move around and look for the tracks of this rabbit. Once you find tracks from various animals, you can be sure there will be a burrow near. This however is not always easy to find, it can be in a forest area, and the holes might be hard to see in bad light or in the tree shadows.

It is possible that when you approach a burrow without knowing of its existence, you can see a number of rabbits running in the same direction. Follow them and you will find the holes. A burrow can have somewhere between four to eight (and maybe even more) holes.

If you are after the big trophy follow tracks of heavy females (!). A high Tracking Skill for this animal is inevitable, so read all tracks you can find. Females can reach 2.5kg (2500 grams = scoring 2500) and are heavier than the males which only reach 2250 grams. The weight is the score, finding a heavy rabbit will mean finding a high score. The heavy rabbit will hide inside the burrow, and you will have to wait until it reappears at the surface so you can shoot it.

Shooting the animal
When you approach a burrow, you may see rabbits running for the holes. They tend to all run into the same hole. Knowing this, you can use this to your advantage. You can sneak up to a burrow to surprise them. If you had been walking or running, the rabbits will already be hidden inside. Be sure to have a Shotgun ready. Do not use a scope though. Once you start shooting, all rabbits will want to run inside. You will hear them come running, which give you a good chance for shooting them.

This method makes sense when you first encounter a burrow, but then you will have to switch your tactics. Just stick around near the burrow, ideally in an elevated spot where you can see as many holes as possible. After a while, the rabbits will leave their homes, come out and move around. You can hear exiting rabbits, so listen for that distinct noise. Pick them with the shotgun or the .22 Air Rifle. With air rifle shots from further away killing the animal instantly, there is a chance that you remain undetected and can shoot another one.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Chalet du Mont-Bleu Val-des-Bois North
Copper Hills Bushrangers Run South, west and north

Video Guide

Let´s_Play_theHunter_2015_-_1080p_60FPS_-_HWP_75_-_European_Rabbit_-_1_2_-_EN Let´s_Play_theHunter_2015_-_1080p_60FPS_-_HWP_76_-_European_Rabbit_-_2_2_-_EN

Cottontail Rabbit

Cottontail rabbit male common
Trophy cottontail

Trophy Cottontail Rabbit from bollo11 scoring 1996.000

The cottontail rabbit does not make sounds loud enough to be detected as clues on the HunterMate, nor does it respond to any lures. This can make rabbit hunting quite frustrating if you do not know some very specific details about its behavior. Due to its small size and the high grass in areas where it is typically found it can be very difficult to detect, and your first encounter is likely to be seeing it hopping away from you or finding a fleeing track.

Multiple tactics can be used in this situation such as staking out the area where the rabbit is believed to be hiding and picking it off with a precision weapon such as a bow or air rifle once it comes out or to simply stomp around in the hiding area hoping to flush the wabbit like a Pheasant, taking it with a shotgun. There may be other tactics that EW hasn't thought of, but that will be for the players to figure out.

In contrast to other species it is not a big deal if you spook a rabbit. Once it has spooked it will hop away and search for a patch of thick vegetation (shrubs & bushes) where it can hide and it will stay there for a while before being able to be spooked again. A resourceful player can exploit this by noticing the direction where the rabbit runs and then methodically search bushes and shrubs in the area to find the rabbits hiding place. The challenge is not to avoid spooking the prey but to figure out where it's hiding before it decides to relocate. Once you've found the hiding spot it will be a simple case of "shooting a sitting duck" unless you get too close (basically stepping on it) which will make it flush out of hiding just as the pheasants do.

Rabbit make movement sounds that are at max volume within 16 meters. After that the sounds quadratically decrease to a low volume at a distance of 25 meters. The sound totally dies off at about 30-40 meters.

Many Cottontail Rabbits spawn very close to each other. They will hop around but will always stay within their realm. You will not find a long trail leading away from the original spawning location unless the animal was fleeing.

There is no attractant for the Cottontail Rabbit.

The rabbit is very territorial. They stay within a 100m radius of their spawn point. They may still run out of their territory if forced to by the player, but they will always return when left alone after a while. The rabbits only run about 40m from the location of threat and then hide in the first shrub/bush they find. Be careful when you find a track that is 1 hour old. There might be another track from the same rabbit next to it that is only very recent, because of the territorial behavior.

If you are after the big trophy follow tracks of heavy females (!). A high Tracking Skill for this animal is inevitable, so read all tracks you can find. Females can reach 2kg (2000 grams = scoring 2000) and are heavier than the males which only reach 1800 grams. The weight is the score, finding a heavy rabbit will mean finding a high score. Glass the area often.

Shooting the animal
Rabbits tend to hide if they hear you. You can flush rabbits (default key: "F") just like pheasants and waterfowl. The rabbit's flush distance is 5-10 meters. It is the distance at which the rabbit decides to flee when hiding. If the rabbit finds a shrub or bush to hide in after it has been spooked, it will not leave the hiding place until it feels that it is safe to leave or the player comes very close. The best chances for hitting fleeing Cottontails is if you use a shotgun. For "instant" kills there is a chance that the rabbit will jump into the air before dying (special kill animation unique to this animal).

The rabbit is the "best" animal in the game for run and gun tactics. By running around in dense areas and following tracks, you will find many rabbits. Run until you find "Fleeing" tracks. A rabbit will always flee first when it hears you come, so the fleeing tracks will be your sign for the animal being very close. They leave somewhere between 3 and 6 tracks before diving under. When you follow and the tracks stop, the rabbit is hiding very close to you. Sometimes it takes some time to find it, as it might have made a last sharp turn in the search for a good hiding spot. If you can't find the rabbit, keep running around and listen for a running sound which you can hear quite well, then follow it again. This video shows how it works.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Field Lodge Logger's Point Northeast
Highland Settler Creeks Northeast
Homestead Settler Creeks Southwest, South or East

Video Guide


Snowshoe Hare

Snowshoe hare male common
Trophy snowshoe

Trophy Snowshoe Hare from klausmoe scoring 1995.000

The Snowshoe Hare is, just like the Cottontail Rabbit a very silent and inconspicuous animal. Although very lively and constantly looking for food, it does not make sounds loud enough to be detected unless you come really close to it. The Huntermate cannot detect it, and unless you sneak through the deep snow, most of the times you will hear a snowshoe hare will be when it runs away from you. The difference to the cottontail however is that you can detect it from far away, appearing as a darker dot in the generally white environment.

Snowshoe hares spawn and roam alone and do not seem to be bound to specific areas. Of course there are certain areas on the map where they will start and other where you will never find them. Check the Whiterime Ridge map for suitable hunting locations.

There is no attractant for the Snowshoe Hare.

If you are after the fat hare follow tracks of heavy females (!). A high Tracking Skill for this animal is inevitable, so read all tracks you can find. Females can reach 2kg (2000 grams = scoring 2000) and are heavier than the males which only reach 1800 grams. The weight is the score, finding a heavy hare will mean finding a high score. Glass the area often and look for movements in the distance. The white hare only appears when close by. Further away it turn into a darker dot and can be detected by mere eyesight.

It is not a big deal if you spooked a hare. It will run away and search for a hiding place, and it will stay there for a while. The challenge is not to avoid spooking the prey but to figure out where it is hiding before it decides to return to normal state. Once you have found the hiding spot it will be simple to shoot it unless you get too close which will make it run away again.

Shooting the animal
You can track down Snowshoe hares by running around in populated areas and following tracks. Run until you find "Fleeing" tracks. A hare will always flee first when it hears you come. The fleeing tracks will be your sign for the animal being very close. They can easily leave up to 10 tracks before hiding again. Try not to chase a hare towards a hillside. Due to the lack of hiding objects there you might have to follow it for a very long time.

When you follow and the tracks stop, the hare is hiding very close to you. Sometimes it takes some time to find it, as it might have made a last sharp turn in the search for a good hiding spot. Use your binoculars or a weapon scope and scan the area. Often times you will receive spotting information in the upper right corner of the screen before you even see the animal itself. Don't rush that moment but rather take the time to find the animal. If you are within that spotting range, the chances for the hare to to flee are small. Just when you keep moving it might end up fleeing again.

If you can't see the hare, keep running around and listen for a running sound which you can hear quite well, then follow it again. With a little practice you can shoot fleeing Snowshoes, especially if you use a shotgun.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Danforth's Lodge Whiterime Ridge South and east

Video Guide
