The Hunter Wikia

The HunterMate is your permanent companion on your journeys through the Evergreen Hunting Reserves.



Mini Map

The visible map shows roughly a range of 220m from the player to all four edges. When the HunterMate is equipped, it is always visible in the bottom left corner of the screen.

The mini map view allows you to see the area and any features in your immediate vicinity, including Lodges, Campsites, all Deployable Items as well as other players and your dog if equipped with a GPS device.

Full Screen Map

  • A click on the right mouse button will open the full screen map.
  • You may also use "M" by default.
  • Use the mouse wheel to change the magnification and the left mouse button to move around the map (click and hold).
  • The full screen map can be closed with another right mouse click or with Esc.

Identify Animal Clues


Animal clue information

The HunterMate is an in-game GPS-like device that identifies tracks:

  • Vocal signs
  • Footprints
  • Droppings
  • Blood spots of hurt animals
  • Sleeping spots
  • Feeding spots

With the left mouse button tracks and calls can be identified.
With the right mouse button an identified clue can be closed and returned to the map view.

Confirm Kills


Confirming the kill

Finally, the HunterMate is used to confirm a kill. When you’ve shot an animal, walk up to the body, look at it, and press the left mouse button with the HunterMate equipped. The confirmed kill screen will appear detailing the kill. After confirming the kill, the body disappears and no further action is required.


There are some apps available for the Huntermate

Env camo app 256 Environment Camo App

This Huntermate app is a way for the player to learn where environment or species based camos are active. Press G to equip.

  • Grey: no camo effect
  • Brown: full camo effect, but only against certain species (B&C clothes have camo against deer species)
  • Green: full camo effect against all species in the reserve.
App lane bandit 256 Lane Bandit Game

Race through the traffic as fast as you can, but watch out for the cops! Press G to play.


App bust through 256 Bust Through Game

Clear those blocks with this bat and ball classic. Press G to play.

