The Hunter Wikia
Whitetail deer badge


Species whitetail deer 700

The white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), also known as the Virginia deer or simply as the whitetail, is a medium-sized deer native to the United States (all but five of the states), Canada, Mexico, Central America, and in South America as far south as Peru. It has also been introduced to New Zealand and some countries in Europe, such as Finland and the Czech Republic. It is the most sought after big-game animal in the world.

The species is most common east of the Rocky Mountains, and is absent from much of the western United States, including Nevada, Utah, California, Hawaii, and Alaska (though its close relatives, the mule deer and black-tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus, can be found there). It does, however, survive in aspen parklands and deciduous river bottomlands within the central and northern Great Plains, and in mixed deciduous riparian corridors, river valley bottomlands, and lower foothills of the northern Rocky Mountain regions from South Dakota and Wyoming to southeastern British Columbia, including the Montana Valley and Foothill grasslands.

The conversion of land adjacent to the northern Rockies into agriculture use and partial clear-cutting of coniferous trees (resulting in widespread deciduous vegetation) has been favorable to the white-tailed deer and has pushed its distribution to as far north as Prince George, British Columbia. Populations of deer around the Great Lakes have also expanded their range northwards, due to conversion of land to agricultural uses favoring more deciduous vegetation, and local caribou and moose populations. The westernmost population of the species, known as the Columbian white-tailed deer, once was widespread in the mixed forests along the Willamette and Cowlitz River valleys of western Oregon and southwestern Washington, but today its numbers have been considerably reduced, and it is classified as near-threatened. The white-tailed deer is well-suited for its environment. Fossil records indicate that its basic structure has not changed in four million years.

Summary by


Whitehart icon Lp icon Settler Creeks EW icon RFF icon2 Rougarou Icon
Whitehart Island Logger's Point Settler Creeks Redfeather Falls Rougarou Bayou


Scent whitetail 256 Caller deer bleat 256 Caller deer grunt 256
Whitetail Urine Spray Deer "Bleat" Call Deer "Grunt" Call

Hunting Tactics

Trophy whitetail deer

Trophy Whitetail Deer buck from steelfire scoring 206.497

Trophy nt whitetail deer

Trophy Non-Typical Whitetail Deer buck from winzu52 scoring 339.844

The Whitetail Deer is the animal with the greatest spread over the EHR reserves. It can be found in all "American" based maps. A majestic buck is always a welcomed trophy on any hunt, even if you are after other animals.

Unlike many other deer species, all Whitetail bucks and does spawn and travel alone. If you encounter more than one of either gender close to each other, it is by pure random, or because multiple animals were attracted by the same lure.

There is camouflage clothing available that provides various advantages specifically against all deer species.

Sense Reduction Values (1 = some; 6 = excellent)

Camo Visual Scent Sound
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monsignor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Army Outfit 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trapper Outfit 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Outback Outfit 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

You will quickly see a big difference when using any of these outfits with the deer species when you have approached them with a regular outfit before. When in prone, the animals will almost step on you before they notice the danger and run. These clothes have the same effect on any map, environment and vegetation, as opposed to certain camouflage clothes which only unfold their advantages when in certain areas such as forests, but provide zero camouflage otherwise.

Scent Eliminator and Wind Indicator
This species has a sense of smell and will detect players around them. Especially when upwind, you will see close-by animals stick their nose into the wind, then run away. The Scent Eliminator works against all animals with a sense of smell. Apply it when you want to get close to the animal of your choice. Also, make sure to pay attention to the wind direction by observing objects tossed around or by using Wind Indicator. Use it and follow the smoke with your eyes to see in which direction it is blown. As a general rule of thumb, the wind will blow towards the North-East on all maps. If you are not sure about the wind conditions, apply the Scent Eliminator just in case. It doesn't hurt to use it once too often if you want to be on the safe side and not regularly spook animals by your smell.

Weight does correlate somewhat with the score. Follow tracks from heavy bucks. The highest scores are not necessarily achieved by the heaviest bucks though, so consider mid size bucks just as much. Only skip small weights. If you are a fervent Whitetail hunter however you will react to all buck calls and lure them towards you just enough to be able to make a judgment whether the animal is worth harvesting.

Use the Deer Bleat or the Deer Grunt to lure Whitetails. Both callers have the same luring effect, and the effect is the same for both males and females. You may use Whitetail Urine Spray which lasts a lot longer than the caller, and lets you safely move into a hiding place or stand.

Field Judging
If you are not sure whether a Whitetail buck is worth a shot, look for a wide spread of the main beams and for long points. Field judging takes some practice, because some bucks can have longer tines on the outer ends of the beams, but missing the tines on the inner parts of the beams close to their heads. Avoid short points even if the spread of the main beams is wide.

Shooting the animal
The shot must be well prepared. Search a good place where you can stay undetected. Avoid hasty shots. A good spotting skill will support you picking the right animal if there are severals. Wait until the animal of your choice has come close enough for a good shot, or until you can safely hit a vital from the side. It is not always possible to set up an ambush, or to move away on time. Stay alert for other animals (e.g. from a group) that might have come very close to your lure, and make sure to go for a shot before one of these could spook and flush everything around them.

If the animal flees
If you spook the animal of your desire, follow the tracks crouching. Use your optics and try to spot it, and also look for tracks or vocal signs. Do not go too fast. The animal can stop fleeing abruptly and return to roaming, and the roaming can be in any direction including coming right back at you. If you end up bumping into the animal it will flee again. Take your time. If the animal is worth it, a few more minutes will pay off. Expect very long fleeing distances, especially of the larger Whitetail bucks. If you spook an unseen buck, the number of fleeing tracks can be an indication for the final score. If there are only a few fleeing tracks, the buck is not worth following. If you find 5-6 tracks however, consider tracking the buck down.

Quick Start Locations

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Southcliff Whitehart Island North
Highland Settler Creeks East
Homestead Settler Creeks West
Trapper's Rest Redfeather Falls Northwest
Darkwood Redfeather Falls South
Whispering Woods Rougarou Bayou Southwest

Video Guide


Organs and Bones

Image Organs

1 = Skull
2 = Brain
3 = Neck bone 1
4 = Neck bone 2
5 = Neck bone 3
6 = Shoulder bone
7 = Lungs
8 = Liver
9 = Heart
10 = Spine bone 1
11 = Spine bone 2
12 = Spine bone 3
13 = Stomach
14 = Intestines
15 = Hip bone
16 = Body

Whitetail Deer Missions

Mission Objectives Gm$ Hints
Track a Whitetail Deer 100 All you need to do is find three tracks from the same Whitetail Deer. Once you find one track, just follow the clues on your HunterMate, and the other two tracks should be fairly easy to find.
Spot a Whitetail Deer
  • Spot a Whitetail Deer.
100 Find a Whitetail Deer and look at it through your Binoculars or rifle scope. Wait until an outline appears around the deer. An animal info box will appear in the upper right corner and you have successfully spotted the deer.
Harvest a Whitetail Deer
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer.
Take a 8pt Whitetail Deer
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer buck with at least 8 typical points.
200 8 points means that there are at least 4 points on each side.
A Favor for a Friend
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer buck with at least 10 typical points.
300 10 points means that there are at least 5 points on each side.
Dinner for a Week
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer buck with a weight of at least 68kg (approx. 150lbs).
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer buck with a weight of at least 68kg (approx. 150lbs).
Be Vewwy, Vewwy Qwiet
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer Buck, from under 46m (approx. 150 ft.).
The Long Shot
  • Take a Whitetail Deer buck with at least 8 typical points from 115m (approx. 377ft.) or more.
600 To make a shoot from this distance, try hunting some of the large meadows, or straight roads that offer a long view.
A Cull
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer doe.
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer doe.
The Spotter, Pt. 1 800 The middle tower of Logger's Point can be a good place to spot these deer.
The Spotter, Pt. 2 800 Since this mission is attached to the previous mission, it should be pretty simple to shoot one of the Whitetail Deer that you have spotted in the herd from your tower. Make sure to activate the mission before harvesting one of the deer.
Big Rack
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer with at least 12 typical points.
1000 Find and shoot a Whitetail Deer with at least 12 points. This means that there are at least 6 points on each side.
Big Score
  • Harvest a male Whitetail Deer with a score of 150 or more.
1300 This will usually require 12 points and up to complete.
Big Rack, up close!
  • Harvest a Whitetail Deer buck with at least 12 typical points using a Shotgun with Buckshot ammo.
1600 Lure the buck towards you and shoot it from within 20-30m.
Shotgun Doe Cull
  • Harvest a Whitetail Doe using a Shotgun with Buckshot ammo.
  • Harvest a Whitetail Doe using a Shotgun with Buckshot ammo.
  • Harvest a Whitetail Doe using a Shotgun with Buckshot ammo.
  • Harvest a Whitetail Doe using a Shotgun with Buckshot ammo.
2100 Lure the does towards you and shoot them from within 20-30m.
Nice Sidearm... 2600
I'll give you a Buck for each... 3800

In-Game Photos



Non-typical Antlers

Whitetail Deer with Non-Typical Antlers can occur but are rare to find.


Permitted Ammunition

Arrows compound standard orange 256
Balls lead 50 256
.50 Ball
45 saboted bullet
.45 Sab.
Cartridges 300 256
Cartridges 93x62 256
Cartridges 9.3x74r
Cartridges 7mm magnum 256
Cartridges 30r
Cartridges 8x57 256
8x57 IS
Cartridges 303 british 256
Cartridges 308 256
.308 Rifle
Cartridges 3006 round nose
Cartridges 3006 256
Cartridges 762x54r 256
Cartridges 7x64
Cartridges 7mm-08 hp
7-08 HP
Cartridges 7mm-08 hv
7-08 HV
Cartridges 6.5x55 256
Cartridges 30-30 256
Cartridges 270 256
Cartridges 243 256
45 copper bullet
.45 Cop.
Cartridges 44 256
Cartridges 308 handgun
.308 Hand
10mm auto ammunition
Cartridges 357 256
Shells 10ga slug
10ga Slug
Shells 12ga slug 256
12ga Slug
Shells 16ga slug
16ga Slug
Shells 10ga buckshot
10ga Buck
Shells 12ga buckshot 256
12ga Buck
Shells 16ga buckshot
16ga Buck

See full list here.
