The Hunter Wikia

Work in progress...

How it works

  • Emulates the sound of distressed small game.
  • Attracts Bobcats that are within most of the render area.
  • No other animals can be attracted.
  • If turned off when it attracts a Bobcat then the attraction is immediately stopped and the animal that was attracted cannot be attracted again until after approx 3 minutes.
  • Activation button is "B" by default but can be changed in the settings.
  • The minimal distance to another e-caller is 400 meters.
  • Calling effectiveness does not stack with the Predator "Jackrabbit" Caller or the Motion Predator Decoys.
  • If various callers are used, the e-caller takes the highest priority in attracting the Bobcat.
  • Calling effectiveness does not increase when multiple e-callers are used.
  • 8 callers can be set up per reserve.
  • Can be heard by other players in MP.