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The Reindeer (Caribou) was a long awaited animal and was added to the game on August 28, 2014.

Reindeer badge


Species reindeer 700

El Reno es una especie de cérvido originaria de las regiones frías, del ártico y de la tundra, también se encuentra en zonas boscosas del norte de Eurasia y América del Norte. Se alimenta principalmente de líquenes, musgos y plantas acuáticas, y forma grupos migratorios grandes que se desplazan estacionalmente en busca de alimento y mejores condiciones para su ciclo de vida. Son animales de un pelaje denso y lanoso, esto le proporciona aislamiento térmico, variando de marrón oscuro en verano, a gris o blanco en invierno. Tanto machos como hembras tienen astas, aunque las de los machos son generalmente más grandes, prominentes y ramificadas. Los machos pueden pesar entre 180 y 250kg, mientras que las hembras pesan entre 80 y 120 kg. La caza de renos salvajes y el pastoreo (para obtener carne, piel, astas, leche y transporte de tiro) son importantes para varios pueblos nativos de las regiones árticas, además es muy reconocido en el folclore y la cultura popular debido a que el trineo de Papá Noel es tirado por renos voladores, un elemento distintivo que todo el mundo asocia con la Navidad.


El Reno es el primer animal que sigue las relgas de la Migración Animal, un curioso y novedoso sistema implementado para "simular" el comportamiento real de especies que suelen pasar casi todo su tiempo deambulando de un lado a otro.


Hemmeldal Icon


Caller reindeer rattle
Reclamo de Choque de Cuernos
(sólo atrae machos)

Estrategias de Caza[]

Trophy reindeer

Trophy Reindeer bull from Helgest scoring 720.103

Often requested and finally added to the game, the Reindeer offers a challenge that most might not have expected. The Reindeer follows the rules of Animal Migration. Many of the tactics that you have been using no longer work for this Nordic species. With the animals that never leave the reserve you can know that if you play well, you can eventually find most animals sooner or later. The Reindeer that came in on one end of the map however will wander across the border on the other end.

The Reindeer follows the rules of Animal Migration. Like waterfowl, some animals will spawn on the map at the start. There can be single animals here and there, but the majority will roam in groups. The migratory groups consist of one male and between four and six females.

Criterio de Elección p/ la Ropa de Caza
↵Existe ropa de camuflaje disponible que brinda varias ventajas específicamente contra todas las especies de ciervos

Valores (por Unidad) de Reducción Sensitiva (1 = Normal; 6 = Excelente) en Animales

Indumentaria Visual Olor Sonido
Boone & Crockett 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Doc Monseñor 3 / 6 2 / 6 3 / 6
Camuflaje Militar 5 / 6 2 / 6 1 / 6
Trampero 3 / 6 4 / 6 1 / 6
Forajido 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6

Si antes ya te has acercado a cualquier especie de cérvido con un atuendo normal, notarás rápidamente una gran diferencia al usar estos otros conjuntos de vestir. Cuando te encuentres boca abajo, los animales casi te pisarán antes de notar el peligro y correr. Estas prendas de ropa tienen el mismo efecto en cualquier mapa, entorni y vegetació, a diferencia de ciertas prendas de camuflaje cuyas ventajas son funcionales en ciertas áreas puntuales, como los bósques, pero no proporcionan ningún camuflaje adicional en el resto del territorio.

Holiday sweater There is also a sweater Holiday Sweater available that provides specific protection against watchful Reindeer eyes.

Eliminador de Olor e Indicador de Viento
Esta especie tiene sentido del olfato y detectará a los jugadores que la rodean. Especialmente cuando hay viento en contra, verás a los animales cercanos hacer gestos olfativos con el hocico, ponerse en alerta y luego huir espantados. El Eliminador de Olor actúa contra todos los animales con sentido del olfato. Aplícatelo cuando quieras acercarte al animal de tu elección. Además, asegúrese de prestar atención a la dirección del viento observando el entorno, o utilice el Indicador de Viento. Aplícatelo y sigue el polvo con los ojos para ver en qué dirección sopla el viento. Como regla general, éste mismo soplará hacia el noreste en todos los mapas. Si no estás seguro de las condiciones del viento, aplica el Eliminador de Olor por si acaso. No está de más usarlo una vez con demasiada frecuencia si quieres estar seguro y no asustar regularmente a los animales con tu olor.

Reindeer herds wander in a rather straight path through the reserve mostly not bothering about any objects in their way. Only the few steep parts where players and animals slide down when trying to pass will make the Reindeer turn, but this does not happen very often. The roaming speed is immense. For most animals that you follow you can keep an eye on the dotted or solid circle on the Huntermate. Once you see a solid circle you can be pretty sure the animal is as far away from you as the circle predicts, unless the animals were spooked or went to sleep. For the Reindeer the Huntermate prediction is not accurate. In fact the fast wandering and often trotting deer are about double the distance from you than what the circle indicates. If you ever crouch on the pursuit of a Reindeer herd, you will quickly fall behind. Keep walking until the circle has a radius of about 100-150m before you start calling. The tendons of the Reindeer click when they walk or trot. It is a way to know where the herd is even if they haven't called yet or you haven't detected them visually. Listen for these clicking sounds or for calls from the bulls. The cows' calls cannot be heard well, but the Huntermate will pick them up. If there is no call coming make sure to catch up with a herd before it leaves the reserve. Go really fast (don't run) the first few times to get a feeling for how close they really are compared to the Huntermate information.

If you cannot catch up or realize that the herd is very far ahead already, you can fast travel to a lodge or tent that is ahead of the roaming path, and wait for the herd there. Behave quietly when you arrive, the fast roaming herd might be approaching already, or even be there or beyond.

Use the Reindeer Rattle to attract groups or singles if you are aware of them. Only males follow the calls, but they will pull the entire group towards you. The otherwise speedy Reindeer does not approach your call faster than other deer. The more animals there are in a group, the bigger the chance for being detected. As long as you don't know their number, maneuver as if there were many. Stay out of sight and just identify their calls while they come in so you have a constant status update about their position. The male will come straight towards you, and the females will trot around the male. Be careful, their paths are unpredictable. Even when the bull has arrived at the calling location, the cows will constantly trot around, so you need to stay out of their circles.

Field Judging
Both male and female Reindeer have antlers and thus a score. You can find bulls that score lower than the highest scoring cow in a herd. Look for antlers with many ends and large palms. You will however only in rare cases have to distinguish between multiple males, for example when two adjacent herds are attracted by your call, or when you detect them while their herds cross. Otherwise you won't likely see more than one bull in the same place.

Shooting the animal
After luring a herd things can get a bit tricky. There is a certain risk for being detected. Also the Reindeer's habitat Hemmeldal is hilly and often has patches of dense vegetation. The Reindeer are not easy to detect and blend well with their environment. Make sure to not stay in the spot that you called from. Cows tend to trot around and past the bull that they follow. Certain rifles are almost too strong or a caliber for this species, and even a bad shot will end deadly. If you choose a more considerate caliber make sure to place your shot well. A badly shot bull will often be lost due to their fast speed in any state they are in (calm, spooked, nervous). Try to ambush the animal and plan a shot to the flank. As with any other animal wait for them to stand still for a safe shot. The Reindeer won't stand around for very long though.

Si el animal se espanta...
Si asustas al animal que estás buscando, sigue las huellas agachado. Utilice su óptica e intente detectarlo, y también busque pistas o señales vocales. No vayas demasiado rápido. El animal puede dejar de huir abruptamente y volver a deambular, y el deambular puede ser en cualquier dirección, incluso regresar hacia usted. Si acabas chocando con el animal, éste volverá a huir. Tome su tiempo. Si el animal merece la pena, unos minutos más merecerán la pena.

Listen again for the clicking sounds of the tendons of the trotting animal and let it calm down for a safe shot. The animal will return to its normal state and won't roam at the same speed as before. You have a good chance for finding a spooked bull. As opposed to the females, the males do not trot around which makes finding it a lot easier.

Quick Start Locations[]

Start at the following lodge(s) for quickly finding this species.

Lodge Reserve Walking direction
Koppartorp Hemmeldal West or South

Video Guide[]



Misión Objetivos Gm$ Consejos
Créditos Iniciales
  • Marca un Reno macho.
  • Marca un Reno hembra.
Para Efecto Dramático
  • Identifica la llamada de un Reno macho.
  • Identifica la llamada de un Reno hembra.
Horrible Naturaleza Terrible
  • Captura un Reno.
Aumento de las Tensiones 400
Forma Parte de la Manada
  • Encuentra las huellas de 3 Renos diferentes en un plazo de 5 minutos.
¿Somos Renos? ¡No, Somos Humanos! 800
El Hombre Reno Viene 1000 Reindeer mission 7 towers

Los renos deben ser disparados y cosechados desde las torres en el orden correspondiente en que se indica.

Ojos en el Cielo 1200
El Reno Dormido 1800
El Desenlace 3600

Municiones Permitidas[]

Arrows compound standard orange 256
Balls lead 50 256
.50 Ball
45 saboted bullet
.45 Sab.
Cartridges 300 256
Cartridges 93x62 256
Cartridges 9.3x74r
Cartridges 7mm magnum 256
Cartridges 30r
Cartridges 8x57 256
8x57 IS
Cartridges 303 british 256
Cartridges 308 256
.308 Rifle
Cartridges 3006 round nose
Cartridges 3006 256
Cartridges 762x54r 256
Cartridges 7x64
Cartridges 7mm-08 hp
7-08 HP
Cartridges 7mm-08 hv
7-08 HV
Cartridges 6.5x55 256
Cartridges 30-30 256
Cartridges 270 256
45 copper bullet
.45 Cop.
Cartridges 45 revolver
Cartridges 44 256
Cartridges 308 handgun
.308 Hand
10mm auto ammunition
Shells 10ga slug
10ga Slug
Shells 12ga slug 256
12ga Slug
Shells 16ga slug
16ga Slug

Mira lista completa aquí.

Órganos y Huesos[]

//Rayos-X// Órganos//Huesos

1 = Cráneo
2 = Cerebro
3 = Hueso del Cuello 1
4 = Hueso del Cuello 2
5 = Hueso del Cuello 3
6 = Hombro
7 = Pulmones
8 = Hígado
9 = Corazón
10 = Columna Vertebral 1
11 = Columna Vertebral 2
12 = Columna Vertebral 3
13 = Estómago
14 = Intestinos
15 = Hueso de Cadera
16 = Cuerpo

Capturas In-Game[]
